Chapter 1

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"Carly, I'm engaged."

Wait. What?! My bestfriend. The one I've had so many amazing after-school plans with. Is. Getting. Married.

"Phoenix, you're 18. We're still at our second year in college, and you're getting married? I mean, this is a joke right?"

"I'm serious Car. And I've got like 4 years 'til I actually get married." And she says it like it's the best news she's ever heard her whole life. Seriously, what is wrong with my bestfriend?

And with my greatest courage, I ask

"With who?"


Steven. Steven. Steven. wait, THE Steven? o.O

"Steven Kaufman? The only guy you've been crushing on your whole life who doesn't even know you exist? You've got to be kidding me."

Yeah, this is one of her practical jokes. I mean, c'mon. Steven. Kaufman. Hah.

"No Car, it's true. Even I can't believe it."

"No offense, Poe, but you do remember that the last time you tried talking to that guy, he literally made you invisible. Literally. He's a jerk."

It was true. Although Steven used his good looks and charming words to unfortunately captivate a girl's heart and then throw it like waste, he never made Phoenix feel that she was special. Sometimes, I just wish he did so that Poe would finally have what she's been wanting and then realize after he broke her heart that he really was a jerk after all. But no, Steven never made her feel special or anything. He was the only guy who made her feel unspecial, which triggers Poe's undenying love. Poe is the most popular girl in school. She's really beautiful, and filled with confidence. Her name is just as cool as her personality She's talented, and every single move she makes is graceful, gentle and admirable.  Boys would die just to get her number in the same way other girls would die just to befriend her. Becoming her bestfriend? It wasn't my choice. It just happened. And Steven just throwing away someone like her? That was unbelievable.

Oh yeah, my name's Carly. Carly Foust. The name's definitely chique, but I'm the total opposite. It's not actually hard to ignore me in the hallways since well, I don't have good clothes, I don't talk to people, and I don't have a nice face. Popularity was against my natures.

"Gosh Foust! Watch where you're going. What a clumsy little joke." says a girl who I most probably think I spilled my drink on because I was too busy thinking.

It's Brittanee Lyons, or Bree. She's head cheerleader. She's got everything she wants. Fab, fame, and the soccer captain, Vince, who so happens to be the secret love of my life ever since kindergarten. Though I think Vince has got his attention on Poe. I think Bree noticed that too, so she is really trying her best to be better than Poe, but she simply just can't.

"Hey, watch it Bree. No one talks to my bestfriend that way."

"If it isn't the most desirable girl in town defending her ugly little charity shield. Hi Phoenix. There was nothing wrong with what I said. Your 'so-called' bestfriend IS clumsy, little, and most of all, she looks like a joke."

Hah. A joke! So can I laugh now? Laugh at my face? Why can't Bree just get her own life? Oh yeah, I spilled my drink on her. oops, my bad. Okay, I'm clumsy, I'm little, I know I'm a joke, but hearing that being said infront of my face? Girls have pride and dignity too, you know. Just as I was gonna say something, Poe pours her drink on Bree too and before she could even react, Poe pulled me away from them towards the school's lawn.

"Phoenix, you shouldn't have done that. It was an accident when I spilled my drink on her."

"Car, nobody talks to my besfriend that way."

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