Week 3

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Monday - Sleepy Travels
My alarm went off at around 9:30 and I was not happy. Last night I had been speaking to Brad via text until around 2 and couldn't sleep till about 4. I was exhausted as I got into the back of Tom's car and we headed off.
"I don't blame you for texting him till that late, honestly." Kim told me.
"I just hate not knowing how he's doing... And I have to wait so long to be able to talk to him when I wake up." I sighed.
"Just try not to think about it." Tom suggested.
"I mean, it's not like I hadn't already thought about that, Tom." I scoffed, face-palming. "Unfortunately, he's hard to forget. Especially as he sings all my favourite songs."
"That must be so hard. And when does he come back?" Kim asked.
"On the 6th of October." I sighed.
"Oof." Kim said, pitiful.
"Yeah. Oof." I nodded, resting my head against the window.

We met Mum and Dad in town and soon went to this breakfast place. It was rather small but seemed quite nice.
"You look shattered, James." Mum observed.
"Gee, thanks." I said, sipping my coke. "I was talking to Brad last night." I admitted.
"Again? If you keep doing that you're never gonna sleep." Dad told me.
"I know. But I'd rather it that way than never talking to him." I reasoned. We soon ordered our breakfast and I had a rather chewy croissant, which I wasn't very happy with. Afterwards, we got in our separate cars and headed off. However, apparently we weren't going straight home and instead were stopping in different towns, much to my disappointment, as I was desperate to get in my bed.

The first town we stopped in was nothing special, then in the second one, we went to this coffee shop and inside was an abundance of elderlies that may have actually been friends with dinosaurs. I kept checking my phone, in case Brad had for some reason texted me even though for him it was 3am for him.

The third town we went to we ended up just getting some ice cream (I had butterscotch flavour), which was nice. Then eventually, we came home, and I eagerly flopped into bed.

Wednesday - San Fran Blues
So Brad was currently in one of my most favourite cities: San Francisco while I was walking back into college, in Swindon. I sighed as I sat down at my desk. Pete had us analysing different magazine covers, which was as boring as it sounded. We had to pick them apart and I was already sick of it. I kept checking my phone, even though I knew it was still way too early for Brad to be up.

When it was lunch time, I finally received a text. We were walking towards McDonalds as I looked down at my phone.
'Morning Jaaaaames!' The text instantly made me feel all bubbly and giggly.
"God, that man has you hooked, doesn't he?" Dean chuckled.
"You have no idea." I said as I returned a text.
'Morning Bradley-Bear 😘 How are you?'
'Tired but excited. SAN FRAN, babyyy!'
'No need to rub it in! 😩 I'd love to go there with you someday.'
'Babe, when we can, I'm taking you EVERYWHERE 😘'
'That actually sounds perfect 😍'
'It does, doesn't it? So how's your day been?'
'I analysed magazines for an entire morning... 😑'
'Ah... That doesn't sound too bad 😬'
'Uh Huh... And what do you have planned today? 😐'
'Ummm... Well we're gonna explore the city a bit... Then we have a radio thing where I think we're bowling with some fans? Then we have the show tonight... 😶'
'Now THAT sounds fun 🙃😂'
'I'm soooo sorry baby! I'll make it up to you 💕'
'It's fine darling. I'm actually so fucking proud of you 💕☺️'
'Awwwwh, Jamesy. I love you 😘'
'I love you too, Bradley-Bear 😘'
"You two are so cute." Darren chuckled, seeing me finally put my phone down as we entered McDonalds.
"I'm so jealous of him, honestly, for being able to go to San Fran. I'd have loved to do that with him." I sighed as I watched Dean tap on the digital menu.
"I'm jealous of you for even being able to date someone like that." Darren complained.
"Ahaha, yeah, I shouldn't really be complaining should I?" I chuckled, realising.
"Not really." Darren scoffed.
"Alright, I'll shut up." I gave in.

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