Frozen melting body

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What can I say.?  Disappointed doesn't even begin to cover it. Love does make people do stupid, crazy stuff. I know I know,  I'm one to talk .

Meet Mark Anders, a handsome thirty year old guy who owns his own company. Okay I need to tell you this,,  his eyes gosh,  sea green and deep as the ocean,  his body built but not too much,  just enough muscle to show that he does spend enough time at the gym. Olive skin and six feet tall. Perfect package right.... Drool worthy is what I can say oh let's not forget dirty blonde hair to accompany the look.. Sighs. Dreamy.

Me you ask,,,  I'm a black woman of twenty-six years and beautiful brown eyes that just draws you in,,,  so I have been told. I'm five feet five inches tall,  not bad and I have flesh in all the riiiiight places, as you can tell not a fan of the gym.  I do love my job trust me,  working with kids and changing their lives for better, what's more awesome than that.

So how I meet Mr Anders you wonder, Hmmmm, it was one fateful day when.....  Just joking, lol,  he's is actually my Neighbor that I never met until recently.  Weird right,  I know seems like he came to our town to chill off hey or maybe runaway from paparazzi.  You never know,  but honestly, I guess he's just busy and I'm sure he has a lot of houses to stay at than just the one where I can afford also.. We don't have crazy paparazzi here in Cape Town, yes in this country of South Africa.  Cape town is a nice city along the coast,  so we have beaches for days. Lots of mountains as well so we get the best of both worlds.  I live just fifteen minutes away from the big city,  very convenient a walk away from the beach and obviously the mall is close enough to walk as well.
See,  even billionaires need a  place like this lol.

Just imagine to my surprise to wake up one morning and seeing
The billionaire greeting you good morning from your right side,  when you know for a fact that nobody lived in that house, it has been abandoned for years and out of the blue boom,,,,,  a voice that calms even the devil with its velvety richness I almost melted on the floor. Thank God for cars hey or rather the doors,  I had it open before I realized what or rather who had spoken, so I was able to catch myself up from landing gracefully on a heap of melted bones and all. I wouldn't have minded mind you, this doesn't happen every day you know..
"If this is a dream I don't want to wake up" this thought was the only thing running in my head the whole time I was starring at him,  little did I know I was actually saying that aloud (horror) gasp.

" Is that a new song I don't know about ? " he ask,  but still no answer from me. I'm sure by now he realized he had lost me from the greeting already. " I'm sorry  if I startled you " he tries again to make conversation with me,,  a frozen girl - lady I mean.

After what felt like five years when it was only five minutes thank God,  I found my voice, and believe me it was not my normal voice at all. I found myself answering to all his questions like a pro even I didn't know what I said to him but I remember wishing him a great day further. Driving off to my work in a state of wonder and unbelief that I Veronica Kadengy spoke to non other than Mark Anders the billionaire bachelor most sort after by millions of ladies in the country. He's living right next door to my right. Get it right right. Hehe.

Mia my friend is confused just looking at me and she goes straight into friend mode beast,  wanting to know who did what to me and where. She's a heaven sent friend a sister to me and my protector from a lot of things that she deems harmful especially men. She is a feist redhead who stands tall at six feet and has a body shaped to tempt men into submission and doing the things they will most probably regret later on in life. Blue eyes that are sexy as hell and she dresses well for a teacher. Most single dads try their luck but always lose because she respects her job as much as I do. 

By lunch time she had all the details of what happened to me that morning minus the blank moment I had because for the life of me, my brain just refuses to remember the conversation I had with Mark. What worries me most is the fact that, that could have been the only time that I could have met him and I lost it by deciding to be a frozen melting body.  Doesn't make sense but that's how I felt then. Mia is not helping me at all because she just reminds me of the chance I "destroyed " her words. Every time we pass each other in the hall,  she just whispers "shame" shaking her head at me. Before I know it she's inviting herself to my place after school like whaaaat...

"It's to help you when you blank again" she tells me, as if we going to meet him again.  Silly Mia... But I love her to death. So this house was left for me when my parents passed away from a car accident two years back and being the only child I got the inheritance.  I had moved out when I went to college but came back because I couldn't sell our house where I grew up and all the memories it came with hence me staying at the fancy side of the city even though I'm a primary school teacher. My parents had nice jobs and were able to provide for me since growing up,  they loved and supported me in everything that I wanted to be. They always put family first over everything else,  it took me a while to get over their death and I will always have Mia to thank for,  she stood by me wiped my snotty nose literally looked after me like her own child. Even her parents sort of adopted me after that.  I'm forever grateful to have them in my life that I get to call them mom and dad even if my own were no longer there.

First chapter done.
This is my first time writing a story so please support, vote, comment as long as its constructive commentary I will appreciate that.

Also don't copy or rewrite in any other language..  My book, my story, my words,,,  I will be nasty if you steal my work.

Otherwise enjoy the story and it will be short,  I got inspired by the beach, imagine that,,,  of course seeing six packs and water makes people lose their minds me included lol...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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