The end - prologue

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The day after the war had been a tough one, all the men and women had sobbed their way through the day and no one had made it through without a testy eye.

Even if it was hard to spot the positive in such an unfortunate situation there was certainly some positive outcomes of the war. Some had found love, some had been freed and the good had won.

Nevertheless, like in any other war, the time right after it was hard yet the best.

The Weasleys had welcomed Harry and Hermione to stay with them for a while and together they had cried together. However, the war was not the only thing on the young Wizard's mind. A great thought of love had been occupying his mind for the last two years and it had no intention of stopping.

When Harry Potter that evening found himself humming to a song while lying on his back on the wet cold grass in the Burrow's garden, a certain girl walked by, leaving him with a somersaulting stomach.

The girl decided after a while that she did not wish to sit by a lonely tree in a garden crying like in a cliché book. She wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her Weasley jumper and walked over to Harry, lying down beside him, attempting not to break down.

Harry's entire body except for his somersaulting stomach tensed while he tried not to look at the most beautiful girl in the world.

"The weather is nice," said Ginny, breaking the ice in probably the most awkward way, but at least, the ice was broken.

Harry cleared his throat and said, "Yeah - it has been a while since it's been so nice."

A flowery scent hit him, a smell he remembered from a love potion two years earlier and from all the times, he and Ginny had snuck out to their secret place, kissed, talked, and been with each other two years earlier. Words could not describe how much he had missed that smell, but it did not bring such happiness as it did before, now it only brought him sadness over the fact that she would probably never be his ever again.

Harry sighed and softly said, "I'm sorry,"

Harry turned around to face Ginny and whispered softly, "I'm sorry for leaving you behind, I'm sorry for pretending to be dead, I'm sorry for not being there for you and I'm sorry for being me."

Ginny turned around too, facing Harry's bottle-green eyes that could enchant you by only one look. "Forgive, but never forget ..." said Ginny as a twinkle appeared in her eyes and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"I admire your abilities to forgive, Ginny; I would never forgive myself, thanks." Harry sighed, turning around so his face faced the sky, with thin long clouds.

"Harry, you blame yourself for far too much, I think you might have a problem," Ginny said, looking at a tree in the distance that stood there alone, swaying in the breeze.

"Ginny, I am just going to say this right out: would it be possible for us to resume our relationship?" Harry said, hopeful.

Ginny hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth saying, "I know that you want me to be with you, Harry, but I fear my heart won't recover when you leave me again, I'm sorry."

Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he opened his eyes again and faced Ginny once more, "Thank you for being honest with me." Harry faked a little smile and sat up on the green grass, pulling his legs to his chest, staring out in the blue. Every second, he felt his heart breaking a little.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Ginny whispered before Harry could feel something heavy resting on his shoulder, something that could only be her head. "I truly am sorry; it's just that I don't think my heart can recover if I'm once again cast aside."

"It's okay, but I really thought you knew me better than that. I would never leave you ever again." Harry managed to say, his heart breaking even further.

"I just don't think I can trust you anymore," Ginny said truthfully, while tears ran down her cheeks.

Harry took a deep breath as he realised that his efforts were hopeless. "I love you, you know."

Ginny, moved her head away from his shoulder. She dug her head in her knees, her whole body started shaking as she sobbed, "I love you too," she let out another sob. "It's just not enough."

Harry stood up and said, with a broken heart, "It's at least a start." With that said, he walked away from Ginny and into the burrow.

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