Love on Ice

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Love on Ice

You and your boyfrind Nathan are st your house waiting for you to get ready cause you were going to go iceskating for your Birthday "Ready to go love?" Nathan asked you, you were in the closet looking for your skates but you couldnt find them. "I cant find my skates!" you say to Nath " Thats cause I threw them away. and i got you new ones!" Happy Birthday Love!!" he said as he pulled out a new pair of skates. You ran up to him and hug himans he gives you a kiss. Ater a while you got to the ice skating place.  As you and Nath stepped out onto the ice, Nath fell straight on him bum cause you knew he hasent gone ice skating in a while. As you tried to help Nathan up he pullled you down next to him. You laughed and he gave you a kiss on the cheek, you tried to get up agian and you finally got up. You started to skate but after a while of skating your feet started to hurt really bad. You didnt want Nathan to know but he noticed and carried you to his flat. When you got there Nathan had rentented some films for you to watch with him, you sat with Nathan on the couch and cuddled in Nathans arms for the rest of the night. When Nathan put you on his bed you could hear Nathan whisper "I love you Elena, Hope you had a great birthday" he whispered in your ear before you fell asleep. (: xx   Please give me some feedback?

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