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You woke up in your bed, blanket wrapped around you. You felt the warmth from you go as you come out of your bed. Clock past 6 AM. You did your morning routine in the bathroom, wore your clothes with long sleeves of course and went downstairs with your black backpack covered with different kinds of pins. You actually liked your backpack this year but of course, your parents didn't.  

You walked to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and went outside to wait in the car while eating and listening to music. Soon enough, your dad and bigger sister came too and you headed off to school and dad to work. 

After 10 minutes you get out of the car and step inside your school. You go to your usual meeting place where you wait for friends. You wait always here before the first period because you're always really early in school. You're usually in school at 7:30 AM but school starts at 8:15 AM. 

You scroll through Instagram and post on your BTS fanaccount. After 20 minutes Emma came. You started to talk about your usual topics as soon enough came Roxi and Mia. You talked about your grades, favorite YouTubers and more. When it was 8:00 AM, your whole group was there. By group, I mean Roxi, Emma, Mia, Olivia, Sophia, Eva, and Carmen. 

When the clock showed 8:10 you guys said your goodbyes and left to different periods. In your first period weren't any of your friends. You went to History all by yourself. You sat down at the last row and waited for the teacher. 

After 5 minutes came the teacher. 

"As some of you already have heard, we have some new students" started teacher with.

"You may come in." said teacher as 7 boys came in. You stared at them with big eyes and confusing, excitement, anxiety and worries taking over your body. Your face was paler than snow whites.

Those 7 good looking boys standing in the doorway was no other,

then the one and only


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