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I'm empty.

I don't know what this feeling is.

I've always been happy! ...Right?

I don't know what to do anymore. Whenever I'm around my 'friends' I'm happy. They make me laugh, they...

distract me.

From what I'm really feeling. But as soon as I'm alone all the thoughts come back.

You're such an idiot.

Why are people friends with you?

Look in the mirror, how could someone love that?

Why can't you help others?

Why can't you help yourself?

People have it worse than you, just shut up and act normal.

Why are you so useless?

All I want to do is scream. Let everything out. Talk to someone.

But I can't.

No one cares. No one can know. No one needs to know.

I am alone.


I know how pathetic this makes me sound but I needed to do this. No one I know will see it. I doubt anyone will see it... or care for that matter!

Just some sad pathetic 12 year old girl complaining about her perfect life

Nothing new.

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