A Anti-Normal Day

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Interesting, Just Interesting, Half of Summer is over but just then it happened, I am not the only one in my body. Why did it have to be me? It all started normal but then I realized... Someone is in my body. 'Where am I and why am I a girl' 'Why did I think that I am always a girl' 'Why did that thought come? I am a boy' 'Who are you' ' Hans ' 'I am not you, that why it happened'

When this came though my mind my immediate thought was try to get this thing called Hans out of my body. I went to my dresser and grabbed a knife. I started to stab my leg and it hurt twice as bad, but I did not want to live with another person in me. I would rather die and let them take control.

After five minutes of me stabbing myself in the leg and the blood gushing out onto the floor I stopped and aimed for my neck but then I threw my knife down. 'I am not letting you kill us!' thought Hans' mind. I grabbed the knife again and tried and tried until eventually I decided to try something He could not stop.

I opened the window to the streets. I am on the 6th floor and I decide, If I were to not be able to kill myself by knife I should just jump out. I tried to jump out but I started to float. Then I realized I was wet... A fire hydrant or hose must be doing this. Why dose the universe want to keep me alive.

I ended up going out cold after a long, long, LONG time. I woke up in the hospital, And this is what Nurse Carrie said, " You are the luckiest child alive, You survived a knife stabbing, being hit by an airplane, hitting the ground at 60 miles per hour, and being shot by a drunk cop. You might as well be called got because your still alive somehow.

How did this happen? Is it because of two people's strength makes the strength of ones body stronger and almost invincible to accidental things yet if it on purpose it hurt for both? That would completely explain things. Especially because who else would be able to explain how to survive that?

After an hour or two I went home with a prescription for pain incase of it happening. Then I realized my leg is completely repaired like nothing happened. How did that happen? I was barely gone from the apartment and I did things that killed others yet I perfectly fine.

It was around 19:00. I tried to go to sleep and so much was on my mind. Could maybe I have something new because of this? I might be unkillable ' Hey Hannah ' "What ' 'I was awake the entire thing and it was very hard we are kill able.'

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