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Listen, there is not many graduation edits of Harry so I was super happy when I found this one. Ignore the fact that his hair isn't down and that there isn't a wedding ring because yes, he still wears it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Continue to like, comment, vote, share, I love everything you guys have to say.

Harry followed along the other graduating students down the steps to the row of seats. Everyone was to be at the UCLA basketball stadium at least an hour early so they could grab their name card and get in the proper order for graduating.

Harry decided to keep his last name as Styles when he walked across the stage. It was a tough decision he had made and a hard conversation to have with Louis, but in the end Harry had started college as Styles and he really wanted his diploma to have his original name. Of course Louis understood and supported the decision, but deep down Harry kind of wanted to hear Tomlinson as his last name as he walked across the stage. It could be a prideful thing or whatever, but he knew it meant a lot to his family to go across as Styles.

Harry relaxed in his seat as everyone continued to take theirs. The dean of the school was talking in the microphone to go over last minute procedures for the commencement. All in the midst of this, Harry's phone had buzzed with a notification.

Harry sighed as he pulled his phone from the pocket of his jeans. He tapped the screen to bring his phone to life and frowned when he noticed that the notification was from a news article.

Harry was already prepared for this to be related to Briana, but he wasn't exactly expecting what he saw. She had apparently released a sonogram of her baby that was a little over a month. Harry's eyes widen right away as he zoomed in on the sonogram, feeling his breath come up short and his heart stop as he saw the tiny blob that represented the beginning formation of a baby.

The baby is real. Harry honestly thought Briana had made the whole story up and simply accused Louis of cheating and having sex with her, but he never actually thought she was genuinely pregnant. Yet, here is the proof. Briana is actually pregnant with a real live baby growing inside her.

And Harry knew the sonogram was real. He remembered exactly how they looked like when he was pregnant with Silas, and this was a very similar one. Harry immediately felt tears in his eyes that he quickly wiped away.

Louis had made a statement. Not only that, he had ensured he didn't cheat or have sex with her. Harry was trying not to freak out and was trying really hard to trust his husband right now, but this sonogram makes all his beliefs suddenly go haywire. He had no idea what to think anymore. Maybe Louis did get her pregnant. Maybe she had sex with someone else.

Harry didn't have time to think before the dean started ushering them to the tunnels where the basketball team ran out of. He quickly silenced his phone and followed the line down the steps and into the designated area.

It took about another 45 minutes before the introduction of the commencement began. The typical graduation chords started playing over the speakers as all the graduating students began walking out the tunnels in an orderly fashion and making way to their seats on the floor.

When Harry finally made it to his seat and was able to sit down, he arched his head up to see if he could make out where his family was. He wasn't paying attention to who all was talking and what speeches were given, he was more focused trailing his eyes all over the stadium to find them.

He couldn't. Instead, his line was standing up to make their way over towards the stage. Harry let out a sigh as he followed the person in front of him until it was his turn to hand his name card to the announcer. He gave the lady a smile and stepped across the stage when his name was announced.

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