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"Hi im marianna Shawn's Girlfriend" i smile at the beautiful girl standing in front of us making me feel insecure "Hi im Madison,Madison Beer" she smiled but i could tell it was fake "Hi Maddi" Shawn smiled walking to her "Hi Shawn" she smiled running to hug him.

Madison and Shawn were talking on the couch while i was in Aliyahs room with May And Aiden With aliyah of course and we were currently drawing on her Chalk board wall when i started sining to give your heart a break when i looked back at Aliyah her jaw dropped "That was amazing" she smiled "Thanks"

When we were done Aiden Had tried to eat Chalk so i took him to the kitchen to give him food i took out sliced up bannas and put some on his tray thing for his chair "Mommy whos that girl?" may asked coming in "Thats daddys friend Madison" i smiled "I hope daddy doesn't leave us again" she frowned which kind of broke my heart a little "He wont princess i promise" i smiled kissing her for head "Do you want Some Sliced Apples?" I asked "YEA" she screamed.

"Mommy lets watch a movie with Auntie Ali And Auntie Yulisa" May cheered I got to calling yulisa and asked her to come over.

"there you go" i smiled kissing maya forhead while i finished changing her into her Jammie's Shawn was Asleep And Madison was in the bathroom i walked into my room and saw Madison with shawn and they were cuddling i felt anger build up in me.

"calm down calm down" i kept whispering to my self wondering how she even got in and why they were cuddling Yulisa was currently down stairs With Aliyah And May watching a movie i felt warm tears trickle down my face, i snapped a picture and changed into some shorts and a black top.

"Aiden shhh" i muttered To Aiden who had woken up "If only your oh so amazig daddy would helo us instead of cuddling a bitch" i said while tears trickled down my face again.

"why are you crying?" Aliyah asked looking at me "This" i said showing them the picture of Madison and Shawn "Just wait till im done with him" Aliyah And Yulisa said in sync getting up going to the room i quickly followed "WHAT THE FUCK SHAWN" i heard Aliyah's voice scream i walked in and saw Shawn looking at us confused "Shh your gonna wake up Madison" he snapped i walked up to Yulisa and gave her May "Take her next door to Kian and give Aiden to Lia" i whispered she obeyed.

"why?" I asked my voice clearly cracking "She was scared" he said frowning "Shawn..." aliyah stated "Please, Just take her to the guest room" i said tears trickling down.

Once he took her to her room He came back and aliyah went to her room "Im so sorry you know i love you so fucking much" he said his eyes glossy "Its fine dont let it happen again" i smiled with sympathy kissing him.

"hey shawn-" our kiss was interrupted by the one and only madison beer walking in "Whore" she muttered.

lets say it dont go well for miss.beer

End less love~Book 2 from the Adopted by cameron dallas books~Where stories live. Discover now