Chapter 6-Everything Will Be Fine

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The next day had a very pleasant morning.Birds chirping merrily,sun about to come out,and suddenly Ela's phone alarmed real loud.Almost late for the service and only got thirty minutes on the clock to be prepared for school and ready to be picked up by her service along with her sister and a few classmates.

*arrives school

"Ahh finally, its Friday!"yelped Ela on her mind as she sits down on her chair.She placed all her things under her chair,where this square platform made out of metal laid attached on her chair designed and painted black and had lines across each end,left to right."Time to place my phone into the phone bag..." she whispered.

*Reading time

"Goodmorning,today we'll start with our fifth lesson for the quarter which is.... Can anyone guess?"the Reading teacher,Ms.Antonio said very hyped for the day.

"Denotation and Conotation."was answered by Gina Bells,one of the smartest students in the class."And that is right,Gina.Now,get your notebooks and jot down some notes while we discuss about this new lesson."

*five long minutes later.....

"Ahem,may I please talk to the following girls later about the exhibit you will be having.See me at lunch time by the Grade 8A classroom please:Anica,Gilda,Cris,and Hailey."said Ms.Antonio as all the girls listened.

Anica,being the student and friend thay sits behind Ela said,"Hey,uhh can you go with me later at the Grade 8A classroom?"

"Uhh yah sure."replied Ela.

*school bell rings for lunch time

As Ela,Lia,Mari,and Anica finished their lunch,both Ela and Anica walked to the Grade 8A classroom which was near theirs.Lia and Mari went inside their classroom and talked about gymnastic related topics as they dreamed of being one.

Once Anica and the called girls were done with what they talked about with Ms.Antonio,one of the sisters,Hannah came to Ela and let her taste some of the cookies she and her family baked as a free taste test thing.

"Hi!Do you wanna taste some of our home made chocolate chip cookies?"Hannah asked with her friend Jennifer by her side letting Anica taste this time."Mmmmm!This is really good!Will you be selling these soon?"Ela asked,"No we won't,this is just going to be one of our desserts for our this Sunday.Well,see you there!"said Hannah closing the short conversation they had.

"I--I-I just talked t-to one of Carl's sisters!"she exclaimed quietly to Anica while walking om their way to their classroom."Yeah!Yeahhh!Mmm this cookie is just so chewy and delicious!"Anica said delightfully indulging every bit of bite she had."...oh and goodluck on Sunday,you'll get to see him there in your team party!"she continued as she reached for her bottle of iced tea that is on the pocket of her backpack.

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