Not Art but Art Ideas :3

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(I also put this on my announcements book uwu)

So, I checked in with my family today and there is little to no hope of getting any of my stuff back ;w;


So brain dump uwu

~Story Related Ideas~
- Villain discovers a way to harness the power of friendship and kidnaps people to harness it. However, obviously, no one wants to be their friend, so his plan backfires. Upset, he spends another ridiculous amount of time trying to figure out how to before having an epiphany. Fast forward and the heroes find themselves beaten down and nearly vanquished by the villain and his new doggo, for their love is too strong.

- Fallen Hero joins forces with the local villain and proceeds to be the best partner because they know what heroes might do and makes every plan more reasonable and efficient.
(Bonus points if they start developing a relationship SIMILAR to best friends/bros/soul sisters)

- The protagonist lives their everyday life avoiding being a protagonist by ignoring the everyday crisis that they are supposed to solve.

- A moderately-skilled healer has gone from group to group during their adventures since each group they are with ends up being comically stupid and dies easily. The healer actually doesn't mourn for any of them due to their ridiculous deaths and their insistence to rush into battle without a plan. One day, the local low-level demons finish slaughtering their party and actually extend an offer for them to come back with them since they need a healer. The healer literally couldn't care less at this point and goes with them, discovering that one, the monsters they have been fighting all their life have sentience and also a society, two, none of the races have actually entered war? They coexist and are pretty chill actually (hence why they don't like humans because the humans have no chill-), three, the healer apparently is well known for killing humans (all those previous parties that they let die because their morons) so they are immediately respected and seen as a glorious and ruthless human-slayer (despite being a healer only-).

- The best friend of the protagonist joins them on a trip to save the world. However, once they finally arrive at their destination to return the magic artifact thingy, the protagonist dies as soon as they return it. The best friend stands there horrified as the group of mighty heroes from all around the land they have been travelling with die off and he remains. The goddess which set them on the journey then appears and says, "There was no need for a journey and no actual reason you had to come. I just needed a reason to kill off any heroes for what I'm about to do."
Then, she bestows the best friend the new evil king, grants him an unstoppable undead army, and leaves without a trace.

- The main character describes that they have a mental illness, one that makes you see and hear things. Their life consists of talking to things which aren't there and getting weird looks from people. One day, their doctor prescribes them some pills to help with the disorder. They take it and proceed to freak out once the doctor morphs into a monster. Panicked, they run out of the room and look around, only to find monsters and ghoulish figures everywhere they looked. Their mother then approached them, a ghoulish woman with tattered clothing, smiling and finally said, "The medicine worked, I'm so relieved. Honey, There is no such thing as 'people'". (Slightly inspired by Fran bow uwu)

~AU Ideas~
For ideas that I actually created, designed, and basically drew already, I'll place a *
- *Mythical beasts au where characters are a mythical creature
Cracked: Siren, a lazy one which hangs out mainly at a rocky shore.
Philomath: Steampunk Robot, constructed to explore and examine mythical beasts where humans cannot.
Lucy: Messenger Fairy, delivers messengers to all sorts of fantasy folk and regularly checks on and helps Philomath with his research.
#: Ghoul (not Tokyo ghoul XD), basically an undead with a conscious.
Willow: Witch Doctor (he's forever one uwu), helps the local fairy folk with his witchcraft.
Nix: Imp, he's an annoying troublemaker with more bark than bite uwu.
Violet: Selkie, she serves Cynric but occasionally talks/gossips with Cracked about different things.
Cynic: Vampire Lord, only preys at night and is well-known for his power and overall scary and loyal staff.
Darling: Basilisk, works for Cynric and is known for petrifying anything by simply looking at it or blowing his toxic venom.
(Note: While designing them, I retained their skeletal appearance. So, Darling isn't a lizard, Violet isn't a person which turns into a seal (she a cat which turns uwu), and so on. I would love to share pictures, but I currently can't. Possibly in the future uwu)

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