A ship, a house, and an evening star

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Humming resonated through the dark halls. A figure down on her knees scrubbing away the dirt on every tile of flooring. With almost no light, the moon shown brightly though the open window. Surely she would be scolded for the patches of dirt she misses in the morning but at the moment, she didn't care for it.

Swallowed up by her own thoughts, she hummed and scrubbed aimlessly into the night, an echo of her voice bouncing off of the walls.

Looking up from her work, she gazed out the window spotting a rare sight. A ship docked at the port. A magnificent ship with a haul bigger than any she had ever seen and sails as wide as a great dragon's wingspan. The whole ship seemed to glow under the moonlight and right above the highest sail shown a single star, the evening star.

The girl found herself wishing.

" I wish for adventure. I wish to sail out into the ocean and see the world. "

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