Part One

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AN: Hello, I'm KyokoUchiha, you may know me already from AO3. If not, nice to meet you. This is my first time publishing stories on wattpad.

I hope you enjoy this story, comments are always welcome.

Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender

Relationship: Keith/Lance

additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy; Werewolves; Mention of Gore; kill to survive mentality; Bestiality; Anal Fingering; Anal Sex; Bite marks; Van Helsing Style Werewolves (The Movie); Rimming; Human Lance; Werewolf Keith; bottom!Lance; top!Keith

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On a Sunday morning in March Lance is on his way back to his house, which is located some miles outside of the city, where the last bus stop ends about a mile away from it. In his half-drunken state he managed to take the first bus on this day. Because walking the whole way from the city to his house... yeah not a good idea.

So here he is, at-with half-lidded eyes he checks the time on his phone-some time after 6 am, dragging his half-asleep ass back home from a college part. Frat party. God, he doesn't know what they put in the punchbowl but he definitely knows that he'll get a massive headache later.

"I'll never stay that late again", he mumbles and nearly trips over a rock. With a curse he kicks at it and yelps at the sting in his foot. Damn. Big rock.

"I should have taken Ryan's over", he whines and resumes his way.

Still some distance away he chooses to take the way through the bushes because that will take him towards the garden and to the backdoor of the house. This way he won't have to make a wide berth. He also knows that part of the forest well so he won't have to worry about tripping over roots and rocks.

Still he does trip and this time he doesn't manage to catch his balance again and promptly falls forward onto his hands and knees. Luckily his knees are protected by is pants but his palms are not so luckily. He hisses and checks the scrapes, they're small and will heal.

With a sigh he stands back up, sways a little, dusts off his pants and turns around to look at the cause for his fall. His eyes go wide in shock upon seeing the unconscious body of a man on the ground, half lying in a bush, which is the reason why Lance hadn't seen him in the first place.

Slowly he approaches the body and kneels at the side to check for a pulse. Relieved to find one he pulls back to take a closer look. The man has raven hair, pale skin with a prominent scar on his right cheek and seems to be sleeping. Oh and he's naked. Lance blinks and feels his cheeks flare when his eyes land on the bare ass.

He hastily pulls his jacket off his shoulders and covers up the middle of his frame.

"Geeze, why are you lying naked in a forest, dude", he mumbles. Not that the other will give him an answer. With a heavy sigh Lance hoists an arm around his shoulders and gets up. He lets out a grunt from the sudden heaviness but he manages to get both of them onto their feet. He nearly stumbles to the side but steadies his legs in time to stay upright. Ah fuck, he should just let him lie here. But Lance can't ignore someone in need of help and judging by the bleeding scrapes across his front he needs it.

With his mind made up he begins to drag the guy with him towards his home, which luckily only takes a few more minutes. His legs are nearly giving out by the time he reaches the back porch where he drops the man to get his keys out of his bag. After opening the backdoor he makes his way inside to grab some blankets from the cupboard in the hallway to splay them on the couch in the living room corner. Then he goes back to drag the man by a hold under his armpits inside. Luckily his jacket prevents his ass from dragging on the hardwood floor.

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