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Previously in the last chapter...

Now lets go shopping!


After a few hours of shopping all 7 boys were exhausted as bags and bags of clothing hung on both arms. Except for Hoseok because of his leg, instead you held his bags for him even though he insisted on holding it himself.

Let's put everything in the car first, then we will go for dinner.

After placing all the bags into the trunk of Shoiyoons car they went back into the mall and looked for a place to eat at.

Noona! Can I hold your hand??

Jimin giggles as he appeared beside you.

A light blush coated your cheeks as you just nodded before he slipped his small hand around yours and started swinging it while you walked.

Awww I want to hold Noona's hand aswell!

Namjoon said as he approached the two of you and intertwined his hands with your empty hand as his two dimples appeared on his cheek. Making yours turn a darker red.

Let's go eat there!

Jungkook pointed to a restaurant that caught his interest.

oooo yeah that place looks nice


All 8 of you entered the restaurant and sat at a table near the windows.

After eating you all decided on getting desert. Heading to the closest ice cream place. Each person getting their favorite flavor.

Let's go Christmas shopping! It's almost Christmas so let's get everyone a gift!

Shiyoon suggested

But we don't have money Shiyoon (Namjoon)

That's why I prepared!!

She said as she grabbed 7 cards out of her card.

O-omg Shiyoon we can't just take your money (Jin)

Trust me and just take it, i was supposed to give these to you a while ago...

What? (Yoongi)

You'll find out soon, now let's split up, we'll meet back here at 8 pm ok?

All - OK!

Shiyoon POV

hmmmmm what should I get for each person??

Ughh this is so complicated

Shiyoon walked around the mall looking at things through the windows.

She continues to pass by stores until one things caught her attention which she thought was PERFECT!

Quickly, she ran into the store and looked at it close up, making sure it was good quality and fluffy.

This will be perfect for Tae!

As she continued to look around the store, she found one for Jimin as well!

After placing both items in the cart she went to pay.

After she exited the store she continued to look around the mall, going around on each floors. She notices a figure that was displayed. Instantly she went into the store and bought it, buying other stuff that was related to it as well.

She continued to walk as she passed a pillow store.


She spoke as she entered the store. Picking up two specific pillows in the end and buying it. One for Hobi one for Yoongles.

Shiyoon then enters a furniture store, going straight to the kitchen isle.

I'm great at picking gifts omg

Then she bought it and went right into the Line store she spotted, opposite from the furniture store.

Once finished with buying all the gifts, she had one place left to go. The jewelers. Entering the boss Mr Lee instantly recognizes her.

Ms Ahn, welcome. Give me a minute I'll go get your order.

Just like he said, after a minute he returns with a black box.

He opened it showing 7 rings.

These are perfect Mr Lee, thank you so much!

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These are perfect Mr Lee, thank you so much!

Ahh your welcome Ms Ahn

Once she finished paying him she went out.

Everyone gathered back at the spot they said to meet, they went home and went to sleep for the night, except for one...

Getting up and going downstairs, making sure no one was awake. Headed for the staircase, placing their hand on a very specific spot on the wall. Feeling around before the green light revealed itself, scanning the hand print before allowing access.

The bookshelf thats located to the left starts to make noises as it slides to the right revealing a secret passageway.

The figure enters and the bookshelf closes right after.

Welcome Ms Ahn

The system spoke as she enters the dark room.

As she walks in the lights immediately turns on revealing everything that surrounded her.

Aligned neatly on the wall were her 'toys'.

Guns, Knives, Bombs etc.

There's one big secret she's been hiding from the 7 boys she's grown to love.

She knows more about them then they really thought she did.

I finally found you all...

She smirks as she looks at the large screen displaying all 7 males faces.

I've found them master...

She spoke into the mic.

Good job Shiyoon... You've proven yourself worthy...

To the Antic's...


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