Do You See Me?

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A high school AU where Ryan works at a local 7 Eleven (Sorry it's so long it's the first chapter ahah)

- Matt's POV -

It was a cool mid - October evening, and a breeze rolled through the dark streets of LA as I searched for something to eat. I saw the familiar red, orange and green sign light up the night ahead of me and walked towards it eagerly, tugging my jacket tighter around me.

As I stepped into the almost deserted shop, I heard the quiet ping, the only sign that I had entered the near- empty store as I approached the Slurpee machine in silence. The flavours were cola and cherry, my two favourites, so I filled it to the top with a mixture of the two, then put on the lid and filled that too.

I picked up a few snacks then went to the counter, and the cashier seemed almost shocked at the sight of another human being in the store past 11 o' clock. As he scanned my items he looked down at my drink, which I had filled the lid of, and shook his head slightly, causing me to shuffle in my shoes uncomfortably.

I awoke from my daze with a start as he looked up and told me how much I needed to pay, catching me so off guard that I had to ask him to repeat himself twice.

When I finally look up to pay, I find myself staring into the eyes of a handsome boy, with long dark hair covering his cute face. I blushed and stammered slightly as I handed him the required amount, muttering only "I-uh-here" before dashing out of the shop back into the night.

He called out to me, saying that I had forgot my change, but I kept walking until I reached my empty house. My parents were probably out again. As I stepped into the warm familiarity of my bedroom I continued to sip the freezing drink in my hand, suddenly becoming very aware of the bright lights and the different levels of heat in my body.

I began to go over what just happened in the shop in my mind, how I had thought yet another guy was cute, and how despite how hard I tried, I couldn't get these thoughts out of my head.

I suddenly thought back to when I was little, before my parents started drinking and fighting, how we would do normal family things together, and now I was alone in this world.

I allowed myself to faint onto my bed, tucking my arms inside my shirt, as if giving myself a much needed hug.

At some point the faint had turned into sleep, and I awoke with a jolt at about 3am, tears streaming down my face. I checked outside the window. No sign of my parents' car. "Fuck" I screamed into the abyss, kicking my closet as I began to cry.

I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't resist turning on my phone, only to see many missed calls from the girl who likes to call herself my girlfriend, who I've been dreading seeing today after such a long summer break, who doesn't know and will never know the dreams I've been having, and the thoughts I've been having.

I stared back out the window and wondered if the 7 Eleven was still open, and if the same guy was there. And if maybe, just maybe, I could find the courage to speak with him. But I shook the thought out of my head, opting instead to try and get some actual legitimate sleep to be ready for school later. Ha. What a joke that was.

After giving up on that idea, I turned on my laptop, cringing at the loud sound of it starting up, and pulled up HentaiHaven, searching desperately for any dark haired man that could match the mysterious worker, but none were quite as beautiful, and HentaiHaven had fuck all of male x male anyways.

I sighed. The thought of his face already had me hard anyway. But fuck, seriously? I had a perfectly good gf for over 2 years now, and I was just gonna jerk off to some random guy's face?

Well obviously the answer was yes.

I even fingered my ass a bit, something that would never have happened before. I would have been more ashamed, but I convinced myself that fingering yourself didn't always mean you were gay, heck, even my favourite YouTuber Arin did it.

I mean, it wouldn't have been gay, if I hadn't been imaging the cashier the whole time.

I pulled my underwear up and put on some pants, as by now it was past 4 and there was no chance of me getting anymore sleep. As I tugged on a T-shirt I heard my parents car roll into the driveway and rolled my eyes. Whatever.

I went down to the kitchen, being careful not to bump into Mom and Dad, and got myself some orange juice and Lucky Charms (with milk) to take up to my room.

After I ate I connected to Discord, seeing if anyone was up to play some PubG, but barely anyone was even online, and those who were were already playing something, so instead I pulled up Netflix on my laptop and catched up on Riverdale for a while, before moving to Crunchyroll.

I had Premium. Obviously.

I binged SAO for a while until I realised it was getting to around 6:30, so I got myself a second bowl of cereal, to avoid my parents getting suspicious, and ate this time in the living room, with an episode of the Simpsons playing on TV. I then went back upstairs to shower and brush my teeth, even applying concealer to try and hide the massive bags under my eyes.

I then texted Tucker to see if he wanted to walk to school with me, and we met outside of his house.

After meeting in the hall to collect our timetables, me and Tucker compared to find out that, to our dismay, we had only 2 classes together. Fuck. I didn't really have any other good friends, only people I passed in the hall every day and occasionally shared a joke or a meal with.

The bell rang and I went to my first class, which was Physics. I was surprisingly early and immediately took a seat at the very back, amongst all the other pervs who would jerk off during the lesson.

I spotted another guy I didn't recognise walk through to grab the last seat at the back, which was right next to me. I then recognised his face as the boy from the 7 Eleven. Fuck.

I wondered if he recognised me, but he barely acknowledged me, only a slight nod my way as he first sat down. I didn't even bother trying to introduce myself as I knew I would fail, so I spent the rest of the lesson in uncomfortable silence, attempting desperately to hide my semi from the boy.

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