all participants in the warriors writing competition.✔︎ AprilfortheWyn
- completed prompt 1✔︎ EchosWriting
- completed prompt 1✔︎ faav_WC12
- completed prompt 1✔︎ Dark_Diamond_16
- completed prompt 1✔︎ LilaTheLoner
- completed prompt 1✔︎ Life_in_death
- completed prompt 1✔︎ vipermask
- completed prompt 1✔︎ Shadesoul
-completed prompt 1✔︎ arcanedesert
- completed prompt 1✔︎ Skystorm2424
- completed prompt 1✔︎ Cayvil
- completed prompt 1✔︎ HorseANDCatLover222
- completed prompt 1✔︎ alulusa
- completed prompt 1members: 13
how many will be eliminated each round/prompt?
round 1: 2 eliminated
round 2: 2
round 3: 2
round 4: 2
round 5: 2
round 6: 2 winners, 1 eliminatedif you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to ask below!
Warriors Writing Competition
FanfictionWelcome to my first interactive competition that anyone can join! With fun and interesting prizes inside, you'll be sure to join this Warriors writing competition as soon as it starts! Seven prompts grow harder and longer through the weeks; two winn...