Belle's Trap

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I opened my eyes to a world of books. Nothing was visible except books. From floor to ceiling, ground to sky, wherever I was.. I was consumed into a mound of books. Though I had longed to be in such a place all my life, something felt ominous about being here, wherever here was. I couldn't remember how I had come to be here. I shut my eyes tight and tried to remember. 

I saw a palace, with rooms stacked up on one another, not unlike the stack of books that surrounded me now. Towering into the sky it seemed to go on forever. There seemed to be no beginning and no end to it. As if that palace were the world itself and not merely a construction upon its face. 

I opened my eyes again and tried to stand up. It was difficult to balance as I realized I had been sitting on books as well. I reached out towards the wall of books to my left to steady myself and rather than having a stronghold, my arm pushed right through. Books toppled over and caved in around my arm. I jerked it back and peered through the openings I had made by unsteadying the mound. 

Something brilliant shimmered through the cracks. Should I look closer? I decided it was worth the risk when considering the alternative. I leaned down and peaked through the opening. 

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