Chapter 32: Unconditional

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Dylan looked at both men who stood gaping, literally.

"Okay, I don't see why you both are so shocked," snapped Dylan, a bit pissed off at their reaction.

"Oh, love, we were just caught off-guard," said Damon sitting on his one side.

Zenon nodded.

"Yeah, sweetheart. I will have to call my dad and ask him to mind the business a bit more now," said Zenon.

"And, I will have to ask dad to step in for some time now," said Damon thoughtfully.

"We will need to make the house baby-friendly," said Damon.

"Yeah, and we will need to get Keiran and Katie to handle this garden too," said Zenon.

"And maybe we will ask one of the elders to move in with us. An expert is very important," said Zenon.

"Yeah, good idea and we will need to settle the immediate rivalries, the possible ones," said Damon.

Zenon nodded.

"And, we need a ramp. He can't be travelling up and down when the baby grows. He will be too tired," said Damon.

"Yeah, and one of us must be here all the time, just to be on the safe side," said Zenon.

"I have heard all sort of stories and we can't risk it and we will have to shut down the pool room inside and of course, we will have to make a better diet for Dylan," said Damon.

Zenon nodded.

"We will rope in a dietician too," said Zenon.

Eliza and Melissa were shaking with laughter gripping each other while Dylan looked alarmed at the two men. He groaned inside.

"Excuse me, but Dylan is still present here and has a say in everything you both just said," said Dylan.

Both men broke off and looked at him.

Dylan sighed exasperatedly.

"I know you are both worried. But, we will be alright. Okay, don't panic," said Dylan.

'Worried' was an understatement and Dylan would learn it in the days that followed.


That night, after everyone left, Dylan laid back in the bed and slowly slid his hand to his stomach. He smiled as he thought that there was a life inside him. It was theirs. He knew it wouldn't matter who among the two fathered this child because they were both going to love his child. He knew that and the way the men reverently looked at his stomach was all the surety he needed for that.

Zenon and Damon both hugged him from both sides and they just sat there.


Dylan glared at his breakfast. Oatmeal and eggs. He almost banged his head on the dining table. He hated oatmeal. But, apparently, it was healthy. Last day he had Wholemeal toast! He has also developed an aversion to scrambled eggs after being fed that shit every consecutive day for the past one month since they found out that Dylan is pregnant.

However, there were positives too. The men had a high temper and they tried to control it to an extent. Both have reached a treaty where each consecutive month, one of them will stay home from work with Dylan later in the pregnancy. Having them near him meant more than he can ever say or express.

They have also quit the occasional hookah. Neither were smokers and Dylan thanked god for that. They also had the same food Dylan was having though he asked them to have something better. Dylan has a morning walk through the gardens and both will accompany him on that. Zenon cooks most of the days and now Damon was also learning to cook. Sundays were absolutely fun with Dylan watching Zenon teach Damon to cook. Damon had trouble but he did manage to make good food.

The doctor's appointment had been amusing what with the doctor looking at the two men on both his sides and looked at him pityingly and amused beyond belief. He was almost one month and two weeks pregnant when they found out. Now he was in his second week of the second month.

They will start taking leave from his fourth month and they have a plan made out to deal with all contingencies. Dylan was still allowed in the garden for which he was thankful. Pearl and Galiel seemed very happy too. Dylan was thinking of making them godparents. He will have to discuss that with his men.

Another occurrence was that every day he had his own parents or his in-laws waiting. As of now, Almero was sitting in the hall, drinking tea and making sure Dylan was resting on the sofa. He would tell stories of when Zenon was young which he would share with Damon in the evening when Zenon listens with a scowl. He would also give stories of when his dads were young.

Melissa, Richard, Abernathy and Candice took turns with visiting. So did Daniel and Eliza which meant that on all seven days a week, he had a super adult of the family with him. It was as of they had made a schedule amongst themselves. They even did activities. He would walk with Richard. Abernathy likes chess which they play. Melissa and Candice both preferred to dance and carroms respectively. So, he would slowly waltz with his mother in law for an hour and play carrom with Candice, his godmother in law, the next day.

Dylan would read a book for Almero when the man was not telling him stories. When Eliza was the one visiting, they would look at the plants and together make bouquets and even talk about the upcoming baby.

Daniel would sit in the lawn and let Dylan lean on him and they will sit there, occasionally talking and sometimes not at all.


Damon ran his hand through Dylan's hair as he sat there. Zenon stood there looking at them for some time. Both turned when they felt eyes on them and saw Zenon. He just turned and left. He did not say anything when he slid into the bed next to them that night, pulling them closer.

Dylan was worried when the man left without breakfast next day. Zenon was late and was not picking up calls. His mood had not been good for the past couple of days. He was way too silent.

They saw news flash in one of the gossip channels. 'Why is Zenon Arcari in the club scene again? Is there trouble in paradise. Is he looking for someone to warm his bed and tend to his libido!"

"What the fuck?" Damon switched off the TV. It showed footage of Zenon walking out with his guards from an upstate club but he knew the man was there for a meeting.

He looked at an upset Dylan.

"You know Sir Zenon, he would never-" said Damon.

"I know, it's just I am worried. He should be here now. Call up Dad and ask him where he could possibly be. He is really upset about something," said Dylan.

Damon nodded.


Both drove to the shadier areas of Malone. They had a guess as to where he could be as dad said. Dylan refused to stay home and so now they were here, eyeing Zenon who sat on a bench in the most shadiest town in Malone, from where Almero had picked him up more than two decades before.

His guards stood a considerable distance away. Zenon was looking at the ground as he sat there deep in thought.


So why do you think Zenon is in a bad mood?


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