chapter 9

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I woke up to seeing that it was about nine in the morning, I suddenly remember that I’m going to be graduating today. I got out of bed and started walking over to my closet and saw that I have all of these dresses ranging from short to floor length. Since it was late spring early summer weather I decided to go with a short white lace dress with a satin black belt that hugged the middle of the dress and came to the back side of the dress to make a bow. I went to go stand in the floor length mirror and see how I look, I look okay but my hair needs some flare to it though.

“Dear parents and Emily, I wish both of you guys were coming to my graduation in person.” I said to myself once I left the mirror.

“Lilura, we will see you graduate but in spirit. We are all so proud of you.” Mom’s spirit said.

“So will the family be there to watch?”

“Your dad and Emily will be but I’m not sure how many others will be coming.”

“That’s okay, I understand. They must have a lot to worry about and get things prepared.” I said sadly knowing all too well what the ancestors could be worrying about, I’ve even prepared several drafts of a note telling Alucard and Shawn that I won’t be coming back after all.

I look around and see that mom’s spirit is gone for now but I’m happy enough to know that they will be coming to my graduation. As I’m finally getting ready for the ceremony, I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I slowly start to open it and see that Shawn and Alucard are waiting just outside with Shawn’s hand still up in the air as if he was about to knock on the door again.

“What’s up, Alucard and Shawn?” I asked as I close my door.

“We were just about to come and get you so that we can leave for the ceremony.” Alucard explained.

“Well then what are we waiting for?” I asked as I start to run down the hall and down the stairs and out the door before Alucard or Shawn could say a word.

As we all got into the car, we stopped just outside the gate so that I could put up a protection spell from any threat including me. The drive to the school was quick but quiet, I mostly just stared out the window looking at the town going by. My thoughts started to drift towards the prophecy, I don’t want to die; I’ve got the best two guys in the whole universe who care about me. What am I to do? I can’t very well tell Alucard and Shawn to stay away from me when the fight begins, they’ll definitely know that something is up.

“Lilura, are you ready to graduate?” Shawn asked me out of the blue.

“Yeah but I shouldn’t graduate, I was only at school for what maybe two weeks. I feel like I should at least try to actually earn my diploma instead of cheating like Alucard has done for the three of us.” I pointed out still looking through the car window.

“We wouldn’t be able to graduate until next year and there is a possibility that one of us won’t be coming back after the battle.” Alucard said. “So I did the most logical thing, anyway graduating is an important milestone in anyone’s life.”

“I guess you’re right.”

Once we arrived at the school parking lot, we all got out and headed towards the football field, the sky looked perfect with hardly any clouds to be spotted. I went with the other girls while Alucard and Shawn went with boys. When it was time, I went to the girls’ locker room where we were handed our caps and gowns. Every other girl was talking with someone and having a good time, if only they knew how short their life could be. For me it could end this very day and I would have no way to tell, my family might though. Above the ground I could hear the traditional graduation song start to play, we all single filed leading to the entrance of the locker room.

As the line started to move, I could feel this awful pain in my stomach. I tried to use a healing spell and nothing, luckily I packed some medication in my dress pocket. I took two blue pills and downed it with some water from the bathroom sink, instantly I felt much better. As I was walking across the field I could see that the seating was in alphabetical order, I soon took my seat.

“Good morning class of 2014, I’m sure that you would like this ceremony to start. Parents and guardians, I am pleased to have had these students at our school.” The principal began to say.

I look up at the bright blue sky and still no bad sign of any sort. Yes, even though I am a very powerful witch I still believe in bad signs and good luck. I went back to what the principal was saying in his speech and then a boy walked up to the podium.

“Soon to be graduates are you ready to graduate?” A boy wearing the same outfit as the rest of the class announced.

We all made an agreeable sound and we each got up and walked to the stage, the principal was naming students as they stepped forward to graduate. I look out among my fellow classmates and see that it alternates between boy and girl. I hear my name being called and I step forward, suddenly it starts pouring rain down on us. I did a quick gesture with my hand and see that it has stopped the raining but I wanted it to be cloudy and yet still warm enough. I got my wish and bright sunlight beams broke randomly through the overcast sky.

“I see what you did there, Lilura. You can try to prevent the prophecy but you will be dead by the stroke of midnight.” A dark raspy voice said.

I quickly turn around and see that no one is there but what the voice said still rings through my mind. I grab my diploma and walk over to the chair between Shawn on my right and soon after Alucard on my left. I whispered to both of them what the voice said earlier except for me being dead of course. I really need to tell one of them that I need to die tonight for the prophecy to be fulfilled. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell them that I’ll never see either one of them again.

“Now my fellow classmates, it is time to grab our tassels with our right hand and move the tassel to the right side of our caps.” The class president said. “Congratulations, class of 2014! We’ve done it, we’ve graduated!”

We each took our caps and threw them in the air.

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