1.'My Only Friend, the Lovely Ground.'

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Blind, deaf, weak.

How else do they describe people? Dumb? Probably. And that's exactly what I thought of them as I lay there, with just my uninjured arm propping me up at least a few inches up from the ground, while my injured arm was still covering my face, trying to protect it with all it had.

'Did you say something?' Said the hugely built dork standing over me, his hands at his sides, clenched tight. Letting his guard down right after I landed on the floor. I could smell his weaknesses right off him.

'He asked you a question,' another came in, this time a scrawny brown headed guy with a stern, yet playful look. 'Moron,' he added with a scoff.

'I-' I started, having seconds thoughts about what I was about to say.

'I...?' The one standing right in front of me said. His dark hair dancing in the breeze. 'Hmmmm?'

'I only told you to stop hurting him,' I continued, my voice cracking now and then. The rough push had my stomach twisting.

The sunless sky above us seemed as dull as always. It looked like it would be raining soon, and I really hated it.

We were right outside the school, in one of the alleys.

Right in plain sight, I thought. I hated getting embarrassed. I mean, come on, who didn't? And above all, being hit by some punks in front of anyone who passed by. They would only give me a pitiful look and walk away, probably trying their best to ignore the situation.

And i loved them for that. It only increased my chances of fighting the boys back. A little rough, though. I never liked my self an audience.

'Aw, well then he's right there,' said the same black haired guy, smirking. 'I'm giving you the permission to go and kiss him.'

Ignoring him for the while, i looked around. Three - No, four boys stood behind the gorilla and his scrawny sidekick. Two stood in the entrance of the alleyway, and the other two were holding the green haired guy, I've tried to save so mindlessly. He was slumped over as they roughly held him by both the arms, keeping him above ground. The poor guy could barely stand, judging by his injuries.

I had an easy way out for the both of us, but it was going to cost us a bit more of those injuries. Or maybe just me. The way out though? Fight.

'I'm flattered, but I think i should kiss your ass before you go running off like the scared little shit you are,' I said, feeling a smirk creeping up my mouth as i saw the guy's own smirk vanish very slowly at my comeback. 'How dumb of you to assume I was gonna let you keep hitting me. Or him.'

'Why, you-' he made an attempt to kick me, but I easily dodged it, rolling to my right. Fortunately for me, the scrawny sidekick was standing a foot away from Mr. Gorilla, with the rest of the gang behind him.

Right after I rolled, ending up facing the ground, i pushed myself up as fast as possible. My leg still stung, but I shrugged it off. No time for me to complain.

'What do you want, anyway?' I asked, raising an eyebrow. 'Hit people just for the fun of it?'

His only answer was a tch, as he made another attempt to hit me. This time, his fist collided with my palm, and I gripped his clenched hand tight. For a split second I saw his eyes go wide, but I had no time to pay attention to his reactions. I twisted his hand, twirling around with it, until I came back to face him again. His hand was completely twisted in the most painful way.

Before he could even scream out, i let go of him, leaned down on one knee, and punched him twice with all my might.

Instead of screaming, the guy chocked and fell back on his huge ass bum.

'Lookin' for a fight? Well say no more,' I said, loud enough for everyone to hear me.

I saw the scrawny kid retreating, hiding behind the four guys who eyed eachother. Two of them, one cracking his fingers, started walking towards me.

I couldn't help but grin at the stupid poses they made before they made an attempt of striking me.

The only escape I had was to lunge to my left as both of them tried landing a punch on me. The first guy aimed straight for my face while the second one did for the stomach.

Mr. Gorilla was nowhere to be seen, and nor was his scrawny sidekick. The other two guys standing in the entrance weren't around as well.

As I was about to hit the floor hard, I did a safety roll to at least keep my head from spinning like crazy.

I stood up again, facing them. Planting my feet on the ground, and held my clenched fists in front of me.

'Try me, creeps,' I growled instead of talking normally, surprising myself.

The second guy backed up, fear written across his face. Unfortunately, the first boy seemed to run on pure adrenaline.

He came skidding towards me, his fists raised. Before I could think of which angle he was aiming for, his fist collided with my right hip and I was sent sprawling to the ground again.

So much for a confident declaration.

Gripping my stomach with my injured arm, I found myself standing up, surprising myself yet again. The guy gave me a devilish grin, which soon turned into a shocked thin line right after seeing my expression. I only looked at him out of the corner of my eyes though, and I couldn't even tell why he'd suddenly back down just like his friend.

That was the reaction I was waiting for. My grin widened and I started to walk over towards them. I could feel my eyes twitching. It was either from the pain or anger, I couldn't tell.

Done with their shit I kept on limping towards them, my arm still covering my stomach.

I willed my power to rise, hoping the green haired boy was still passed out, which made me feel guilty. But then again, I hated showing others what I could actually do.

Raising my hand, I made a claw - like sign with my hand and signalled the very last bit of my energy to my palm. In quite a bit i could see the sparks flying out now and then as I tried my best to form a ball of fire, without blowing stuff up around me.

My power, though, wasn't pyrokinesis. It was explosion. I could only make tiny explosions by using the energy I had. It was tiring, and I hated using it now and then. I always wondered how peaceful my life would have been if I wasn't so determined to save others. And above all, if i didn't have this power.

The boys' expressions turned from fear to shock, then back again.

'Get your bitch assed faces out of here before I blow you into bits,' my voice was nothing above than a whisper, and it was quite entertaining seeing them stand there for a bit to make sense of what i had just said before running off.

'IF I FIGURE OUT YOU'VE SPREAD THIS, I'LL FUCKING FIND YOU! YOU GET THE IDEA OF WHAT I MIGHT DO, SO KEEP YOUR HOLES SHUT, YOU FREAKS!' I found myself yelling after them just before they could turn a corner.

Just right after the last guy was gone, I collapsed to the ground, exhausted and hurt. I was too busy to pay attention to my injuries back then, but now that I looked at them one by one, they looked pretty serious. Especially the one where the last guy punched me. Right above my hip bone. That was going to leave a mark.

With a grunt I pushed myself up to a standing position, and went over towards the green head. He laid there on the ground, his face a bloody mess. His eyes were closed and he was breathing peacefully.

Leaning down i made him sit. Surprisingly, he was light. Very light. I slung one of his arm over my shoulder and held his wrist with hand, my other hand holding him by the waist.

Limping, I dragged him along as I slowly made our way out of the school grounds.


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