2.'Eijiro Accidentally Makes a Stranger's BP Rise to Level 100.'

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The pain in my face. Every time they punched me, every time they clawed at me, scratched me, kicked me. It hurt. It hurt too much.

All I could do was just stand there and let them hit me. And then, minutes which felt like an eternity, passed by and I found myself slowly blacking out.

Right before my eyes could roll up to my head, I saw a blond boy shouting, running in my direction.

'YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!' Was all I could make out.

And then I slipped away, everything around me turning black.


((A/N: is to let you know whether the next scene is a time skip, or a flashback.))


I woke up to the sobbing of my mom. Everything seemed hazy and my body screamed in pain. My face felt like it had an anvil upon it. My nose was itchy, but I couldn't move my hands to scratch it.

I tried my best to keep my vision clear. Every time that I zoned out, which took only about a second once I stopped thinking about anything, my vision would go blurry and my eyes would start to shut in response.

I glanced around. As far as my eyes could see, I figured I was in a hospital room. It was hard to move my head, so I decided to not move it at all.

The continuous sobbing and hiccups of my mom was making me feel guilty, sad, angry and ashamed all at the same time. What had she done to deserve this? To deserve me. Of all the wonderful sons out there, she had me. I was happy that she was my mom, sure, but it always struck me that, deep down in my mom's heart, I was nothing but a disappointment.

'Mom,' was all I could say. Even pressing my lips back together hurt. But i had to comfort her. I couldn't take it anymore.

With a small gasp did she look up. Out of the corner of my eyes, i saw tears streaming down her face, her eyes wide with surprise, relief, and hurt all together.

'Oh Izuku,' she said, her chest going up and down as she breathed heavily. She brushed off the tears from her face, trying for a small smile.

Putting her hand gently on my bandaged wrist, she leaned down and rested her head on the bed. Then she started sobbing again.

Don't cry, mom. Just, please, stop crying, was what I wanted to say, but I couldn't move my lips. Not even enough to part them. Her sobbing continued and I felt hot tears trickle down my temple. I felt useless and hurt.

'Oh, my baby,' mom said, her voice muffled. 'What did you do for them to hurt you like this? I can't even think straight when your away from home, and now that you're here like this..' more sobbing.

'I want my baby to be alright. I'm so sorry. Oh, Izuku I'm so sorry. I promised to be a good mother and I fa-' she chocked on her words, trying to continue. 'And I failed horribly. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I love you. No matter what you do, whether it's bad enough to put an end to this world, or whether it's you sacrificing yourself to protect others, I don't care. I love you so much. I love you, my baby. Please be alright. Oh, please be alright.'

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