Part Six : Midnight Wishes/part 1

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Harry's POV

The school day started off with Louis' tires screeching in the parking lot, but instead of me being worried I was prideful. Lou and I walked up to the school doors hand in hand, proud to be a couple.

Yes, a few people looked shocked but he just stood by me and glared at any rude stares.

"love, I'm going to go to first period, do you want me to walk you to yours first?" he questioned and I could tell it was more of a statement.

"Yes, Lou. That would be great, thank you babe." I stated knowing that there was no chance he was going to let me walk alone.

We started to walk over to building 3 was because my math class was in there. And right when I was going to open the door Liam comes walking behind me. Louis looks over when I squealed, "love, wh- WHAT THE FOOK IS GOING ON HERE?" he was cut off from asking me what was wrong by his own voice, as he saw Liam around me.

Louis lost his shit and went behind Liam so he could grab his hands with no resistance.

"Look, Harry's little Louis isn't here to save- ow the fuCK?" just as
Liam uttered those words Louis punched him square in the back and he let go of my face.

I stumbled forward, heaving for air as Liam turned around, to punch my Louis.

"you asshole, don't fucking touch Harry, punch me, kill me, rape me, just don't fucking lay a goddamn finger on him." Louis screamed making me cry, I don't want anyone of those things to happen to him yet he is willing to let them happen for me.

People started to gather around the two bodies that tackled echother, they where when finished dragged to the principals office, along with me.

Louis and I walked in at the same time, Liam walked in two minutes later, and sat in he seats next to each other.

Dr. Whou looked at me than at Liam then to Louis. "tell me what happend, Harry." he sighed.

"um well, Louis was walinkg me to math and then Liam grabbed my fac-

" I didn't sir he is a - " Liam interrupted

" shut the fuck up and let him speak, go on baby" Louis took back the control and gave it to me in which I was thankful for.

"Liam grabbed me and then Louis turned around and punched his back, Liam let go of me then started to punch my lou- Louis.... And uhm now we'er here sir." I concluded with a huff glad to explain without a punch to the gut.

"okay thank you, Harry. Louis I understand that you care for-"


"love Harry but it doesn't give you the right to punch Liam." the principle stated and i sat there dumbfounded, Louis is getting talked to when Liam isn't?

"okay,yeah,sure but how'bout the fact that Liam was fucking choking my fucking boyfriend, or anyone for that matter. You should be talking to him because if he didn't touch anyone than this wouldn't have happend." Louis spit.

"okay, both of you... Suspension. Louis your is for 3 days and Liam your is for 4. Dismissed." we all huffed for different reasons but walked out of his office.

Liam walked away, probably to find zayn and lou just stared at me thank broke in half with the shit eating grin he gave me.

" what? " I said looking amused.

" your not going to school for three days" and that- that just confused me.

"but why?" I didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

"pleaaaseee babyyyyy u don't want you to gooo without mee.!" he wined right into my chest as he balled up his fist in my shirt.

"it's okay princess I'll stay home for you."i teased him.

" oh Fook you" he laughed and we walked out of school together, that same way we walked in, hand in hand.

I wondered where Niall was for like the last two periods, speaking we have been in ISR for the whole school day.

Heh he's probably talking to Perrie.


Louis walked me home and once we where inside, I saw Niall sleeping on the couch with far to much food around him- far too much to have eaten in 10.

"Niall what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled in his ear, smiling when he threatened to punch me.

"fuck off, mate, Louis told me to stay home.... Said he wanted to spend 'alone time with Harry, because he is so special to me... Niall please don't gooo to school!' Niall said the last pert in a high pitch, clearly trying to echo Louis' voice.

I turned to look at Lou with obvious endearment, only too see his face beet red.
"Lou are you blushing?!?!?" I pursued and he just darkens the maroon tone in his face.

But I really need a nap and a cuddle so Niall will have to find out about Louis' suspension tomarrow.

I remember following Lou into my bedroom as he held my hand tightly. He was kind of ruff but it was sexy, he tossed me on the bed and started to kiss up my neck. He sucked a few marks onto my chest and jaw before he whispered "baby, undress me." hotly into my ear.
"Fuck" i huff out in a sort of whine. And Louis just kisses me once until he lays back and waits, waits for me to take off his clothes.

I start with the shirt carefully peeling the fabric toward his chest, only exposing his flat stomach. I kiss my way up to his now uncovered chest and bite on the inked words "it is what it is". His moaning was low but plentiful making me want to do so much more. I was moaning too once I started to take off his pants, whimpering at the sight of his hard on through his boxers.

I started to take those down with my teeth and I saw the tip of his one clothed co-

"Hazza?" I heard Louis say
"babe are you okay I heard you moaning.... Im your sleep."

That is when I woke up.

"I'm-ya kn-know.. Th... Im-I, I don'tknow wha-wa-t, why" I stopped talking once I realized that Louis was just looking at me amused at my stupidity.

"heyyyy your not stupid."
Fucking dumbass I was probably speaking aloud again.

"wot where ya thinkin' about 'arreh" he said in a posh acsent, most likely trying to mock me.
I just shy away and pull the sheet over my head.

________to be continued

Okay ill admit this chap is half-assed and took me way too long to update.... But... I promise the next one will be before Monday.
Oh and how was the start of smut? Not too much yet though

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