chapter 2

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Saturday, day two

I got back to the hotel very late in the night. We all skipped breakfast and slept till lunch. Both Alexa and I looked and felt like hell when the alarm clock woke us up. I got under the shower first as she was too lazy to get out of bed. I always felt better after a warm shower but painkillers were inevitable since we have a round two, the second gig, latter on. Once we both got dressed we headed down to meet the others for lunch. Everybody looked as bad as we did. James was alright though, he was craking jokes and rambling about how great last night was. He even managed to hook up with some bird he met in a bar after the gig. Ally poked fun at me for staring at Noel "like a teenage groupie" which I was trying to argue back but was unsucessful. "Oh come on Liz, at one point I thought you were gonna jump on stage and shag the guy!" James was adding fuel to the fire. I laughed it through with few sarcastic comments although they were right. I was one of those people who "didn't care" about members of the bands or musicians, just the "music" (yeah right), so I'd never admit having a crush on Noel. All of us girls were back in our room to get ready, like we did the previous day. Geri did my eyeliner again because I always fuck it up and I took over from there. I decided to put on some blood red lipstick and just a touch of highlighter and blush. I put my hair up in a messy bun. High waisted denim shorts were top choice again, but these ones were bleached and ripped a bit. I paired it up with a long sleeved Umbro top and tucked it into the shorts. Adidas trainers were inevitable in any of my casual combinations really. I think I own like 10 pairs of my babies....
We were all ready and waiting for a cab. Everyone looked amazing and felt great again. As soon as we had something to eat and got some fresh air (and painkillers) headaches and shit was gone. Excitement for the gig also helped. We're going to see bloody U2 for fuck sake! Once we got there it was already crowded, but we caught a nice spot at the side of the stage. I joined Ian to get drinks. We came back with handful of beers and show could go on. We were dancing, singing and having a wonderful time. Ally and Damon were making out all the time...Then it was time for U2! Once Bono appeared on the stage, crowd went wild! The atmosphere was amazing! My voice was almost gone after three or four songs...All of a sudden there was a racket going on behind us. People getting their phones out and turning around. I had no idea what was going on until Ally leaned in towards me and yelled into my ear "Your sex god is here!" I gave her my "wtf" look and turned around to see what's going on. Alexa was standing next to me pulling my arm and there he was - Noel fucking Gallagher, just a few feet behind us. He was there with some guys, some of which I recognized as his band mates. They came to see U2. He was wearing a simple white shirt with jeans and had shades on. Do I even need to say how fucking gorgeous this man is?! I tried not to be an idiot and stare at him like the others, so I turned back to the stage and continued dancing with everyone. Alexa kept poking my ribs and giggling which was annoying but funny at the same time. We were singing along "In the name of love" when I felt a hand tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and there stood a guy who looked familliar but I could't really remember where from. He leaned forward so I could hear him and said to my ear "Sorry for disturbing you but my mate 'ere won't shut up about you so could you please let him buy you a drink or somet'?" I looked at him and gave him a sarcastic grin "Really? Where is that mate of yours and why can't he come over himself if he fancies me so much?" Alexa cracked a smile backing me up. Then this godlike figure appeared next to this indrudor talking to me. He put his hand on this guy's shoulder and said "Excuse my mate ladies, he's had a few" then pushed him aside and stepped closer to me "I guess I could've done it myself but he beat me to it, prick" he smiled. My head was spinning outta control and I thought I was gonna colapse. Alexa stood next to me with her mouth opened. Noel bloody Gallagher came over and made a pass at me! I wanted to rub my eyes or pinch myself but didn't want to look like an idiot so I somehow managed to pull myself together although I was screaming on the inside. I flashed him a smile "It's a pleasure to meet you!" he took off his shades and smiled back "Pleasure's all mine love!" I almost died! He called me love...omg! He stepped closer to me "So how about that drink?" and gave me a wink. I tried to be cool and hopefully he didn't notice I was blushing and screaming internally. "Sure" I smiled. He went off to get us beers. Alexa and Ally were jumping around me like mad. I tried to calm them down and act cool before he returned. I sent them away when I saw him coming back and stared walking in his direction. We stood near a fence, few feet behind my gang. He handed me a beer and I thanked him. It felt so weird standing next to him while everybody was staring and flashing pics with their phones. He leaned into me and said "You're probably thinking what the fucking is going on and I do appologize for stealing you from your mates but I just had to come over to you..." I could see on his face how hard he was trying to ignore the fuss people were creating around him. I looked at him with a puzzlig expression. He smiled and continued "I want to explain myself. I caught a glimpse of you yesterday when I was on stage and you were on my mind every since. I don't wanna sound creepy or somet' but when I saw you now I just had to come over..." I smiled at him and didn't know what to say "Wow, I didn't expect that to be honest" I blushed. He shrugged and smiled "Why not? You're bloody gorgeous!" We tried our best to chat a bit but the music was too loud so it was impossible. He leaned to my ear and said "Fancy getting out of here, after the gig, that is? Go somewhere for a pint or somet'?" I was on cloud nine! It was hard for me to control my inner screams around this man! "Sure" I finally answered. "Alright then, I won't keep you away from your mates any longer. I'll be back here, don't forget me!" He winked at me and I almost fainted! "How could I?" I winked back.
I got back to Alexa and they all gathered around me like hienas. I just told them we're going for a pint after the gig and would tell them the rest tomorrow. Couldn't be bothered shouting honestly, bloody U2 were on the stage! Once they finished, I turned my head back to see where Noel was. He was chatting away with some lads but looking my way. He gave me a little nod and a wink which made me grin like a child. He finally came over and said "Ready?" I nodded. "Sorry for stealing her, I'll get her back safe and sound" he said to my mates and smiled. They took some pics with him and we were off.
He took my hand so we don't get separated as we made our way through the crowd. We passed through backstage and got out through the backdoor exist. Once we were on the street he let go of my hand and I felt my heart sink a little. I know we just met and holding hands wasn't an option but it felt so fucking amazing! Million things were going through my mind as I walked down the street by his side. "There's a quiet little pub just around the corner" he finally spoke. I nodded "Sounds great".
We got there and took the lounge in the corner, away from everybody's eyes. Once we got our drinks he looked at me "Look I know what you're thinking, but my goal isn't to get you drunk and shag you and never see you again" he took a sip of his Guinness and continued "this is really weird for me too and I never do things like this. It's just...there were thousands of people there yesterday and all I could see was you. I couldn't get you out of my head and I'm really glad I got a chance to see you again." He was so cute, nothing like I had in mind honestly. Of course I thought he wants a quick shag, but why me of all people? Anyway, he sounds perfectly honest with me and even if it is a drunken meaningless shag so what? I've done that before, and never with a guy I've had a crush on for half of my life.
I looked at him and smiled "I'm flattered, dunno what to say." I lowered my head and bit my lip. He put his finger under my chin so I'd lift my head. Our eyes met and he gave me a little wink "No need to blush, love. Tell me something about yourself. You're not a minor are you?" I cracked a smile "I'm 24". We smiled and chatted away. It stopped being awkward very quickly. He's so amazing, quick whitted and smart not to mention handsome as fuck! Few Guinnesses down the road and we decided to call it a night. We exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up the following day for a pint.

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