Ch. 6 - David versus Goliath

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Chapter 6 - David versus Goliath

As soon as the fifteen-year-old vigilante opened the door, he was met by five to seven men glaring at him with those killer instincts.

"You know, you should've just walked in and asked what you're looking for. It's rude to sneak into someone's house, you know." Among the men a random voice came. All of them are glaring at Izuku Midoriya.

All of a sudden, the members of the gang made way and Izuku saw a massive seven-foot man with a cold, calm look.

Covering his mouth and nose, Izuku gritted his teeth behind his handkerchief, wanting to know how did he notice his attempt to invade.

"You want to know how we can detect you? Simple, here." Then he shows multiple screens that are somehow not in this house. All of a sudden, a low noise of fingers snapped. Luckily, Izuku's enhanced hearing heard it.

Also thanks to his quirk, Spider-Sense, he saw weapons aiming and firing at him. He swiftly evades all the attacks.

Evade after evading, he still haven't laid a punch, because of the firing guns and throwing sharp weapons. He then finally made a move to attack while defending at the same time.

With their magazines empty and trying reload, it allows Izuku to attack. Closing the gap between one of them, he kicks them, dodging punches from the men who are near to him, everything he can do to be alive and rescue the hostages.

It wasn't long until he cleared out the men until the only man standing in front of Izuku is the 7-feet man.

"Just as usual, these men are still weak." He said, insulting all the guards around him. It's humiliating for him because the odds backfired.

"Now, back to my question." The vigilante Izuku demanded. "How do you know that I tried to infiltrate your base?"

"Well, if you haven't noticed, there's one camera in the living room where one of my men is sleeping on the sofa." After hearing the statement, Izuku mentally face palmed himself and thought, "(Why didn't I think of that in the first place?)"

He heard the man said, "Enough talk, let's fight."

He charges himself towards Izuku, who predicted the attack, jumps to the side to avoid getting hit.

After he avoids the attack, it's his turn to fight. Unfortunately for him, the man predicted it that he'll dodge, swinging his right arm at the vigilante. The attack collided as Izuku blocked, but was sent flying towards multiple screens, giving him a little shock, but because of the glasses from the screen, his coat is ripped and had damage from the impact.

He slowly tried to stand up while the man is standing there with utter disbelief in his eyes.

"Is that all you got? I'm very disappointed, kid. Looks like I'm going to play my little prey before he met his demise."

He said, mocking the vigilante as he lunged himself again towards the boy and pulled back his right arm, preparing to blow a hard attack.

What shocks him comes next. Izuku didn't dodge, instead tucked his and launched at the man's body, using a wrestling move called Spear and the man was sent flying to the door where Izuku went in awhile ago.

The door got destroyed as they got back to their feet and continued to fight.

Punching and evading, that's all they're doing right now. Power is the advantage of the man while Izuku's advantage is Speed and Defense while Offense at the same time.

Surely whoever's watching this from the shadow, from their perspective, it's the man who's got the upper hand, because of their size. But in truth, it's Izuku who has the upper hand.

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