chapter 4 7/8 ~sooyoung and yuri hide a secret~

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after that they go to the mall 

sooyoung see miho

sooyoung: oh!! that's miho unnie!

(then miho was out the mall)

yuri: be quiet, do you want to get taken to another state again?

(then sooyoung and yuri go to sabaek's house)

sooyoung: hello hello

sambaek's mother: why are you here?

sooyoung: we came to get tutored today

sambaek: Good youre here. it's a good thing you came. why i'm so happy to see them today?

sambaek's mother: hurry up and find your older brother (kibaek) . HURRY UP AND FIND HIM!!!!!

sooyoung: are you looking for kibaek? we saw him on our way here.

sambaek's mother: where did you see him?

sambaek: if an adult asks you a question answer it. hurry up and answer!

sambaek's mother: where where?

after they talk

(sambaek and ebaek come to they room)

ebaek: just talk to sabaek at least if he's around the girls won't  go wild and run all over the place.

sambaek: how can i say that someone who leaves the house early and comes home late at night beacuse he does'nt to see those stupid girls.

(sooyoung and yuri came)

sooyoung and yuri: teacher!! teacher!!

sambaek: you girls,today we're going into training like the spartans did.

ebaek: spa ting uh what? when?

(then they go tutor)

sambaek: two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom,which makes H20.. look at the book!!

(beacuse sooyoung and yuri looked at the door of sabaek's room)

yuri: is sambaek going to be late again?

sooyoung: is he living at Hak Won? why isn't he coming, ireally need to see him.

(then sambaek looked the note book's of sooyoung and yuri)

~unstoppable marriage yuri and sooyoung (snsd) girls generation~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon