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Mirajane couldn't help but blush lightly when Erza wrapped her arms around Mirajane's waist. Erza may see it as something perfectly platonic which she could do to anyone she pleased, but for Mirajane it was a more intimate act. Erza liked snuggling with whoever she shared the bed with. It helps her sleep and she feels comforted. Makes her feel safe. Perhaps a habit from the Tower of Heaven? Erza had already drifted off to sleep, but Mirajane was wide awake. How could she sleep when Erza was clinging to her?

Mirajane envied the way people like Erza and Natsu could fall asleep faster than you could say 'strawberry cake'. However unlike Natsu, Erza was a very light sleeper. Even the quietest of noises could wake her up. You should be careful when around Erza, even if Erza was sleeping. Mirajane, however, was not careful. And she was doing it on purpose.

"Hey, Erza.." Mirajane whispered into Erza's ear. Erza didn't say anything. She just shuffled a little. Was she asleep or awake? Mirajane trailed a finger slowly down Erza's jawline. "You know.. I really can't help it. I.." Mirajane paused for a second. Should she really do this? Should she really do this to Erza? Erza already had her own problems and romantic crises with Jellal. She didn't need to deal with Mirajane's.

"I love you, Erza." A small voice told Mirajane she shouldn't, but Mirajane had already done it. She had said it. Saying she loved Erza wasn't a lie. Wanting to be in a romantic relationship wasn't a lie either. But it was more of desire than emotional and a true want like she did with Laxus. Many people may look down at this and get angry and upset and Mirajane didn't blame them. She blamed herself too. But sometimes, you can't help yourself. Right now, Erza was a drug to Mirajane, in a sense. A drug used to forget Laxus. 

The things a break up can do to you.

She shifted and gave Erza a light kiss just beside her lips. When Mirajane opened her eyes, she could see Erza staring up at her. Erza's face was red and her eyes were wide with shock. Her lips twitched. Mirajane and Erza stared at each other for a few minutes in awkward silence. Mirajane's heart pounded. She was sure that Erza had a crush on her, but now, suddenly, her mind was filled with the thought of being rejected.

"D.. D-Do you really mean that?" Erza finally managed to reply. Mirajane nodded slowly. Erza had finally collected her bearings and regained enough composure to look Mirajane in the eyes. "Say it again."

"I love you, Erza." Mirajane repeated, enunciating each word. Erza sat up, causing Mirajane to back up and to sit just in front of Erza. Erza had a guarded expression on her face. Mirajane was getting hopeful but was still nervous.

"You know.. you know what my feelings are to you." Erza said slowly. Mirajane felt Erza's hand move to lay on top of hers. Erza was fragile and sensitive. Most could not see that. The walls she built around herself were too tall. Her armor was too strong. They also confused her physical and willpower strength with her emotional one. She didn't want to admit it. She refused to admit it, but she was scared. She was scared of being hurt. Her emotions going all over the place and thrown into a turmoil. Being left aside after she broke. She needed her lover's full support. Her lover needed to give it all to her. 

"Yes, I do."

"I don't know if we'll be able to go back to being normal friends."

"I know. I'm fine with that."

Erza grew silent again. She didn't know what to say. She then decided there wasn't a need to say anything. Her actions should speak for themselves. Slowly and somewhat hesitantly, Erza placed her hands on Mirajane's shoulders. Mirajane gave Erza a nod of encouragement and leaned in. Erza leaned in too and soon their lips were touching. It was a slow, soft kiss. Erza broke away, looking away in embarrassment and smiling shyly. Mirajane couldn't help but giggle in response. 

"Let's go to sleep. We can take this seriously in the morning." Mirajane said, wrapping her arms around Erza and pushing them onto the bed.

Sometimes, giving it your all wasn't enough. Sometimes, no matter how much you give, it isn't good enough. Some things just aren't meant to be. Mirajane wasn't meant to be with Laxus or Erza. Erza wasn't meant to be with Mirajane. Erza's red string of fate was already tied to Jellal and in the end, neither of them could deny that.

We're A Mess (MiRza/ErMi)Where stories live. Discover now