Chapter 20 - Haunted Memories

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Sashiru P.O.V 

I sat at the kitchen bench , head in my hands as memories from the past flooded my mind as the words written in my file replayed in my head. I was a shifter ,evidently a very dangerous one. I was now a threat to everyones life , and I couldn't stand knowing it. Then Sora hid this from me , and I couldn't understand why he would do that to me , especially when I could kill him under one of the scientists control. Why would he risk it?

I sighed before placing my empy coffee cup in the sink and going up stairs to get changed into a new pair of clothes.

As I entered the bedroom I felt a cold hand covering my mouth and another hand holding me against my attacker. I tried to escape from the grasp but that only caused me to fall over , the person holding my arm landing on top of me. Silver eyes stared at me , as if examining my face before jumping off me , disappearing from my sight.

I sat up , looking around

the room as if the silver eyes might be watching me again before standing and walking to my wardrobe. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans , a blue two toned shirt and my black and blue hightops. Just as I finished getting changed Sora entered smiling softly before walking past me into the bathroom. I decided i'd go out for lunch only to find myself realising that I had my car taken from me after i didnt pay for the registration last year.

I remebered that one of my friends Jay had recently gotten her license and that they desperatly needed to catch up. *

I heared a car come around the corner so I walked down the drive way to see if it was Jay. To my surprise it was but instead of the little blue car she usually drove it was a stunning ford mustang 1969 model with a black and blue paint job. I didn't even feel as if I was dressed in good enough clothing to be seen in that car. As she pulled into the driveway , and put her window down she started to chuckle as she noticed  my jaw was still on the floor. After picking my jaw up I skipped over to the other side of the car and jumped in , Jay still wearing a smile from ear to ear. God it had been so long. The sweet strawberry scent of Jay wafted into my nose and I fully realised how much I had missed her. Before I i put my seatbelt back on i reached over and wrapped my arms around her small body and pulled her close to me . I missed her hugs. After I got over my little emotional breakdown I put my seat belt on an Jay reversed out of the driveway and we started our journey to the city for lunch. I stared out the window , my hair blowing in the wind. I missed the feeling of wind blowing against my face , how cold and refreshing it felt and just the feeling as if everything that made me worry was behind me as we drove closer to the city. Ugly heart by G.R.L played on the radio and as if Jay knew what I was thinking we started to burst out into a massive singing fest. Practically screaming the words as the people driving by us looked curiously at us , with the song ending we burst into laughter only to realise we had arrived at the restraunt. It looked a lot fancier then expected but I was so excited like a little girl on christmas morning that I skipped right in with Jay in towe. We giggled like little girls up to trouble as two adorable waitors showed us to our table , even pulling our chairs out for us to sit and then pushing them back in. It was so beautiful here. The outside area of the restraunt was decorated with hanging lights , roses and glistening gold chains. It felt so warm and romantic. Speaking of romance. Sora and I hadn't done anything romantic at all since getting back together apart from watching the sunset together which was sweet but nothing really romantic. Maybe I could surprise him and bring him here for our anniversary in a month.

After exiting my thoughts I noticed Jay was chatting up one of the waitors from before and I smiled softly. 'Are we going to order or have you already gotten something yummy ?' I said winking at Jay as a small blush creeped onto her face. ' Oh , sorry ma'm what would you like?' he said fixing his hair before pulling out a notepad and pen.  ' I'd like the white chocolate cheesecake please' I said smiling sweetly , ' I'd like one of those as well!' Jay squeeled with delight. I knew she loved sweet things which is why this was perfect for her , even though I knew she'd rather just eat that waitor up. I giggled as she raised an eyebrow , ' What's so funny? Do I have something on my face?!' She asked alarmed , searching frantically in her bag for her mirror. Which of course that just made me laugh even more , ' No , just. I saw how you were eyeing that waitor , you sooo wanted him for desert!' I practically squealled. I loved being able to act like a normal teenage girl. It felt good. Who was I kidding? It felt amazing but I loved Sora and with that came the risk of being killed by scientists even though now. I'm just like him. I shook the thoughts from my head as the cheesecake appeared in front of me. It looked amazing , even Jay sat their with her eyes sparkling at the simplistic beauty the little cake held. I scooped up a little bit of the cake into a small spoon, placing it into my mouth as a sensation of flavours caressed my taste buds. It was delishes. Which was expected from it's beauty and strangly enough this little cake reminded me of Jay. Jay was a simple girl , yet so beautiful and sweet. Just like the simplistic beauty that sat on my plate. I smiled at the simularities between the too things. Once we finished the cakes , I payed the check and we got back into Jay's car. Well after the waitor gave her his number. Which she didn't shut up about for the next few hours on the ride home but that's what friends are for right? As I sat back I listened to the soothing sounds of Maday Parade on the radio drifting slowly to sleep.
I awoke to find myself in bed, god knows how I got there but the last thing I remembered was falling asleep in Jay's car. I felt the blanket shift on my legs and an arm snaked around my waist. I laid back down , resting into Sora's embracement before letting sleep capture me for the second time today.

Sora's P.O.V
Sashiru hadn't been home in 8 hours. I was starting to panic , constantly checking the window to see if she had arrived yet. Then to my surprise a 1969 ford mustang drives into our driveway and in the drivers seat is Jay and next to her is Sashiru. I practically screamed in joy and relief. I rushed out the door and onto the passangers side of the door. Sashiru lay sleeping.' Hey Jay, long time no see. Thanks for looking after Sashiru today by the way.' I said smiling softly before opening the car door slowly ,then reaching to pick Sashiru up. Craddling her in my arms. 'See yah Sora make sure she gets a good night sleep for me ' she said before driving off. I carried Sashiru into the house and up the stairs to our room. Placing her on the bed carefully , covering her in the blanket as she shifted onto her belly mumbling about cheesecake. I giggled before leaving the room , entering the study and picking up my file. 'I will find you Mum and Dad' I think to myself before reading the file once more......

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