Chapter 1

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"I-I wanna quit...!" You managed to say. The principal was quite shocked.

"What? Why?! (Y/n), you're one of our best students!" The Principal tried to reason with you, and obviously you ain't gonna have second thoughts.

"I-I'm sorry, sir... I-It's just that..." You mustered up all the courage and told the principal about all the teasings, pranks and the red paint incident. You were holding your tears in.

You walked out of the office, and heard the principal call out for you. Some students passing by were looking at you. But you were done. As soon as you got inside your apartment and locked the door, you plopped down on your bed and screamed in the pillow. You faced the ceiling and covered your face, crying.

You wanted a friend, you... NEEDED a friend to talk to. Then it occurred to you that Ace Frehley had given you his number. You shakily took your phone and typed a message saying 'Hey'.

And in no time he replied, 'Hi! ^^' He seemed as if he was waiting for you.

Ace: How r u?

You: Good.

Ace: Nice, can we meet?

You: Where?

Ace: Maybe the same place where we met?

Ace: Please???

You: Ok

You: I'll be there!

You shut your phone and got ready, combing your hair and changing into a (f/c) tank top, a black leather jacket and a (f/c) long jeans. You let your (h/l) (h/c) hair free, flowing.

Grabbing your phone, you walked out of the front door. You opened the door oblyto reveal Veronica. You gasped.

She pushed you and walked right in. "So where are you going, ugly?"

You hesitated, "A-A restaurant... A-Aren't you supposed to be at collage?"

"I faked sick. Of course they believed it because I am a future actress! By the way, you're to ugly to wear this! Not like anyone would fall for you!" She laughed and walked out of your apartment. Her voice echos and slowly fades. You clenched your fists, persuading yourself that you can't give up.

Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your bag and your keys, putting it in the bag alongside with the phone and hunged it over your shoulder, zipping it.

You locked the door and went to the lake. No one was there... You sighed, sitting down in front of the lake and smiling bitterly remembering a memory you and your late brother. You both would play tag and sometimes seim and catch butterflies... Oh, the good memories...

Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands around your neck, tightening it's grip. You were thown in the lake. You struggled to breath, and you took your chance to see who it was.


That bitch...

You were loosing your breath slowly, your consiousness even. You saw her turning and panicking, and then running away. And that's when you black out...


[✓] Lighting Struck (Spaceman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now