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Sunday is my home day. I can meet him after school but that would be like really late so I sacrificed my Sunday on him. It’s him so why not? We’ll probably just meet a few times and my fantasy will be over.

We agreed to meet at the campus. I don’t want to ask him for his place and I can’t even ask him to go to my place. It’s cramped. I’m only renting a room and my stuffs are all over the place. I won’t let him go there even if he asks. It’s really gonna be the end of me.

Because I’m too tensed about this meeting, I wasn’t able to sleep well and got here early. I’m standing at the entrance of the college in my usual sloppy clothes, an oversized white shirt and a long blue denim skirt, covering up to my shin.

I know I look boring to the max level but as much I want to look good in front of him, this is the best I can do. I cannot afford to buy new, exciting clothes just to please him. I really want to impress him, but I realized, I have more important things to expend in my life.

Will he feed me if I starve for a week? No, he won’t. Will he even lend me money if ask? I’m not even sure if he will. And how will I be able to pay him back anyways? So it’s really out of the question. So I settled with what’s there in my closet and ended up looking like this. As if I can look any better anyways.

My face shows it all, I’m not pretty. And he’s doing this just to waste time or probably save the class, by not letting me lose. It finally hit me that I’ve gotten what I wanted. He’s noticed me, so I cannot keep on wishing for more. I should be content that God granted me this wish that others won’t be able to have in their lifetime. I should just be thankful it happened.

After about 15 minutes, he arrives in his car. Wow, I never thought he’d bring one. I’m just speechless.

He stops right in front of me and looks out the window telling me, “Hop in.”

“What?” I’m not sure if what he’s telling me is right.

“Come on, let’s practice at my place,” he urged me.

I compelled to him. I’m feeling weak and just looking at him makes me surrender. My heart’s gonna blow but why can’t I enjoy this? God gave me the chance right? I should just treasure it.

So I did as told and I’m now sitting at the passenger’s seat beside him. I put on the seatbelt and turns to him, embarrassed.

“Ready?” he smiles at me.

I just nod and he speeds up the highway.


I’m amazed at how large his home is. It’s a three story building in about a 500 sqm piece of land, including the garden and the parking lot. Wow, for a poor girl like me, this is like a mansion.

“Just follow me,” he told me and I follow him like a dog. I’m so flabbergasted right now, I don’t even have words to describe it.

After walking up the second floor, turning right and passing a couple of rooms, just how many rooms are there in this house?, we finally reach his room.

And it’s huge. It’s like the whole apartment floor I’m renting. I gulp looking around. I never expected him to be this rich. He’s popular, I know that, but he’s even this wealthy, now I really have no place to be in near his area. I need to fix that distance from him.

“You can sit wherever you want,” he said.

I find a small spot on the couch nearby and sit my butt off. Too much surprises in a day can kill me, I doubt I’m still breathing right now. But I am and I’m watching him prepare something at the side.

His king sized bed is just across the room and he’s fixing something at the side near the terrace. Soon I figure out it’s a guitar. Wait, he’s gonna play for me?

“I love the song you sang the other day,” he said to me. “Do you sing often? You sounded just perfect.”

Perfect? Me? I’m going in a rollercoaster ride in my head right now. I feel like fainting. But I have to get a grip, so I pinched myself hard on the leg, secretly wincing to myself.

“I don’t, you probably just heard wrong,” I told him, as I pat on the sore spot on my leg. Ahh… that sure hurt.

He just chuckles. “Stop being modest, it’s just me here.”

“I’m not, I actually don’t sing. I only sing to myself.”

“Really? If you sound that good, then what does that make me?”

The look on his face doesn’t imply he’s joking so I swallowed my words back just not to offend him, “What? No! That’s not what I meant! I’m just not confident in myself. You’re a million times better than me. You are! You’ve always been great!”

He only smiles to himself then at me. “Then why do I find you interesting? The tone of your voice just got me and that’s why we’re here now. Mind if we practice?”


But he plays the guitar and I just find myself losing to his music. That’s Jungkook playing the guitar for me, I should be grateful. And after the intro, I just submit to his music and sing for him.

His smile is present the whole time, and I feel honoured. So it’s my voice that got him. Who thought it would turn out like this? A dull girl with shower voice just got Jungkook's attention. I’m just glad. I’m just really glad.


To be continued…


Merry Christmas!!!  🎄

And my gift to you all is a double update! 🎁

Hope you guys like it. 😘

- nantokanarusa 18.12.25

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