Secret Santa

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Dedicated to hollowcastle

"A what?" Azazel stared at his lover, the angel Raziel as they sat together in his bedroom, the blaring light of God blazing through the window despite the multiple layers of blankets placed across the window in an attempt to remedy this. 

"A secret Santa."

Azazel snorted. "It's not a secret in you know it's Santa. What's the point?"

"No, that's not it. You get to choose someone to give a gift to. You prepare the gift, and they receive it on Christmas, but don't know it's from you."

"But, why do they not want to know?"

"Because the secret makes it interesting. Anyway, me and a couple other angels, and Seth are gonna do it. You wanna join? It'll be fun."

Azazel stared into Raziel's pleading eyes, biting his lip. Finally, he sighed and nodded. "Fine. But if anyone decides to buy me anything white, I'm destroying you all."


"So, you won him over?" Seth leaned against the wall of a nearby building as Raziel and Azazel walked up. All the other angels, including Airick, were quickly adding their names to the bin that would be used to decide who got who a gift. 

"Didn't take much," Raziel admitted, earning himself a sharp elbow to the side. 

Seth grinned. "Well, good luck to whoever ends up with your gift."

Azazel snorted. "As if you're one to talk."

Seth just shrugged, waving down his lover, Airick, once he'd finished adding his name into the bin. Together, they all walked over to the bin once everyone had finished, and were the first ones to each grab a slip of paper containing the recipient of their gifts. Raziel opened his first, grinning widely. Seth was next, smirking at his paper and then Airick, who was blushing at his paper. Finally, Azazel glanced down at his paper, groaning as he regretted participating in the secret Santa.


"What does Seth like?" Micah frowned. "Why? I thought you'd be getting Raziel a gift for Christmas."

Shaking his head, Azazel handed Micah the slip of paper with Seth's name on it. "I grabbed his name from the bin, so I'm now his secret Santa. And I know nothing about him other than he's probably the only one who rivals Lucifer in his love of chaos."

Micah tilted his head thoughtfully. "Well... He likes Airick."

"Yes, thank you." Azazel sighed. "This will be impossible."

"Just get him something expensive." Lucifer said, appearing out of nowhere.

"I'm a demon, nothing is expensive to me." Azazel pointed out.

"Something old, then. Humans like old things, right?"

"Depends on the thing and how old it is." Micah said, cringing at what he thought Lucifer might be talking about.

Sighing once more, Azazel looked around the throne room of Hell. There had to be something he could get Seth. He didn't know the boy very well, but surely he could muster a gift that Seth would like. But what? After much thought, Azazel was still at a loss for what he could get as a gift. Lucifer watched carefully before shrugging. "Look at the bright side. Even if he hates the gift, he won't know it's from you. Therefore, he can't hate you for giving him a terrible gift."

Azazel looked over at his master, his eyes widening. He's right. Even if he messes up, there's no way Seth would know it was Azazel who had chosen the gift, so that meant he wouldn't have to take the blame for it! Azazel smiled at Lucifer. He definitely is the king of Hell.


When the day of the Secret Santa exchange came, all the participants arrived at the meeting place; the giant Christmas tree in the middle of the Heavenly square. All the gifts were already under the tree, since the participants were allowed to put them under whenever someone wasn't looking, so as to keep the anonymity. There were hundreds of gifts, and Azazel had no idea how long it would take before anyone he knew received a present. Given that he knew a total of three people in Heaven, it would probably take a very very long time. Sighing, he took a seat next to Raziel on one of the benches, and prepared himself for a long wait. 

Surprisingly, though, it didn't take long for someone he knew to get their gift. In fact, Airick was the first person called up to receive one. He smile at the box he was given, and rushed back over to Seth to open it. Inside was a giant box of his favorite sweets, and he smiled brightly as he rushed to open the box and have some. 

One after the other, boxes started to disappear as the participants received their gifts. New clothes, games, and other earthly delights introduced to the angels by Seth were popular gifts, but many others also received crosses or holy symbols that made Azazel cringe and look away. One angel even received a goldfish, and was extremely excited to name it 'Dog.' 

Only a few boxes remained by the time Seth was finally called to receive Azazel's gift. Azazel held his breath in anticipation as Seth opened the small box, revealing his gift. "A watch?" Seth pulled the silver watch out from the box, looking it over. It had red hands and symbols, and a black face. He grinned. "I've been needing one of these. All the clock towers here are too bright to look at."

Azazel let out the silent breath he'd been holding, happy to have been successful in his gift giving. After Seth, Raziel was called up. However, he jumped in surprise when his box began to move and struggle. Slowly, he opened the box and gasped when a pure black cat jumped out of the box and landed on his shoulders, purring and rubbing against the back of his head. He smiled and reached his hand out to pet the cat as he sat down next to Azazel. "I think I'll name him 'Lucy'." Raziel smiled at Azazel, who chuckled in return.

By the time all the boxes were gone, Azazel realized he had not yet received a gift. Confused, he was about to get up and look when Raziel grabbed his wrist. "Actually... I drew your name, for the secret Santa."

Azazel raised a brow. "I thought we weren't supposed to tell the person who was giving them their gift."

Raziel blushed, pulling a box out from his pocket. "Yeah, but I wanted you to know this was from me."

Handing it to Azazel, Raziel watched him pull the wrapping off and open the box to reveal two silver rings, nestled into the box. Azazel gasped, staring at them in wonder. They were just simple silver bands, no decoration or anything, but they were amazing. Azazel threw his arms around Raziel in a hug before letting Raziel tug him away and slip the ring onto his finger. Raziel kissed his lips when he was done, grinning. "Don't take it off."

Azazel did the same for Raziel, putting the ring on his finger, kissing his lips, and telling him not to take the ring off. Together, they walked home, hand in hand, with Lucy falling suit. Raziel leaned in close to Azazel, whispering in his ear, "Merry Christmas."

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