iii. christmas ft. vhope

213 23 8

titles : Amaranthine & Bangtan Imagines
type : manip

good morning/night everyone! Merry Christmas to each one of you who celebrates. may this Christmas brings joy and blessings! let each day serves moments for us to cherish ♡️

by the way if you guys noticed already, i changed this book's title and decided to change the theme too lmao i know i'm an inconsistent little shit.

i made the theme red so it matches the Christmas vibe also because i saw a lot of people making Christmas themed graphics.

the covers are somewhat simple

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the covers are somewhat simple. at first i thought i'd mess up but honestly i love how they turned out. hope you love them as much as i do and MERRY CHRISTMAS ♡️♡️

don't plagiarize, steal or edit!

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