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Brian's POV

Me and Cynthia have been in the waiting room for hours.

Each passing hour, she got shakier and shakier.

Cynthia was pacing back and forth across the waiting room, practically wearing down the floor.

Every time I suggested she sit down, or eat and drink something, she'd throw me a hard stare.

So I sat and waited.

Waited for the doctor to come out.

Waited to hear news that Sasha got through the surgery okay and that she was gonna make it.

Waited for anything.

The more time that passed by, the more tense the atmosphere surrounding us got.

I had given up on trying to make conversation with Cynthia.

She wasn't having it.

The only thing she would listen to was a doctor or seeing Sasha herself.

So I waited some more.

Another hour and a half passed and still nothing.

Cynthia hadn't stopped pacing and we still hadn't spoken a word to one another.

15 minutes later, she slowly made her way over to me and sat down.

I didn't move an inch, not until Cynthia weaved her fingers through mine and pulled our intwined hands into her lap.

I looked over at her and she was staring me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, Brian. I don't mean to take my frustrations out on you." She murmured softly.

"I know babe, and I understand where you're coming from. I would have reacted the same way." I said to her.

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm scared." She whispered, her eyes filling again with tears.

My heart ached at the sight of tears in Cynthia's eyes.

In the eye's of the woman I love.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my lap.

I held her tightly against my chest as she buried her face in my neck.

"It's gonna be okay baby." I said softly in her ear.

"How do you know?" Cynthia asked, pulling away from my neck so she could look at me.

"Because Sasha is strong. She survived, Cynthia. She lived through hell everyday, and shesurvived. She's gonna make it through this." I said firmly, cradling her face.

She leaned into my touch and nodded after a moment.

A throaty cough pulled us from our embrace.

We both turned at the same moment to see the doctor standing there in scrubs.

Cynthia jumped off of my lap and I stood up as well.

"Are you the family of Sasha Matthews?" The doctor asked.

"Yes." She said quickly.

The doctor turned to look at me and I wrapped my arm around Cynthia's waist and stared the doctor down.

After a moment he turned back to Cynthia, deciding I wasn't going to move even if he wanted me to.

"Sasha was in critical condition when she arrived in the E.R. She had facial contusions and lacerations covering her entire body. Three broken ribs. One of which was very close to piercing the lung. She lost a lot of blood and because of her blood type it was difficult to find a donor." The doctor said.

Cynthia gasped and covered her mouth.

I gave her a gentle squeeze and pulled her tighter into my side.

"Fortunately we were able to find a donor and her blood levels are back to normal. There's not much we can do about the ribs. We've taped them up as best as we could but they are still going to be extremely tender. She's going to have to be careful with her movements. Bed rest is going to be recommended for at least three to four months." The doctor said.

Me and Cynthia both nodded.

Anything Sasha needed she was going to get.

"What about her head injury?" Brian asked.

"They said that there was some swelling in her brain." Cynthia added on.

"The head injury was a little harder to operate on. It's very tender and we had to tread carefully in order to not inflict more pain or possibly cause more damage. We had to drill a hole into the right hemisphere of the brain to relieve some of the pressure and drain the blood." The doctor explained.

I tried not to shutter at the thought, but my imagination took over and I could imagine exactly how it would look.

I tried not to show how freaked out I was about it because I have to be strong for Cynthia as well.

"Is she going to be okay? Was there any damage to her brain?" Cynthia asked in a soft voice.

She was trying to keep her emotions under control.

She wouldn't break down in front of a stranger.

"She did tremendously well through the surgery. Her brain still needs time to let the swelling go down and we put her into an induced coma to reduce her pain levels. We won't know for sure the extent of brain damage that could have occurred. We have to wait until she's awake to know her status. It could range from temporary or permanent memory loss, fainting or dizzy spells. She could also have no symptoms at all. We'll be monitoring her brain activity and as the swelling goes down, we'll slowly pull her out of the coma." The doctor said.

Cynthia sighed in relief.

The doctor gave her a warm smile and put his hand out to her.

"Your sister is extremely. I'm sorry I don't have anymore news for now." He said.

Cynthia grinned widely and took the doctors hand and shook with a look of gratitude on her face.

The doctor pulled his hand away and Cynthia was still grinning.

Before either of us knew what was happening, she jumped into the doctors arms and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much Dr. Page. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all that you've done for Sasha." Cynthia murmured.

The doctor was surprised to say the least.

But a gentle smile crossed his face and he softly patted her back until she pulled away.

"I did all that I could. I hope it was enough. If you'd like, she's being taken to her room. You can visit with her as long as you want." He said.

Cynthia gave another look of gratitude and turned to me, throwing herself into my arms next.

Her lips came down on me hard and it caught me off guard.

"She's okay, baby." She said with a grin.

I hugged her tightly, pressing her body along the length of mine.

"I told you she was a survivor. Let's go see her now." I said, pressing another kiss to her lips.

She laced her fingers through mine and she led me down the hallway, following close to the doctor.

I could feel Cynthia's joy radiating off her in waves.

Opposed to her gloomy and aggressive demeanor before, I was much more in favor of her joyful mood.

Cynthia is happy, Sasha is gonna be okay.

What more could I ask for.

And Chris...

Well Chris would be dealt with.

And that's a promise.

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