Chapter 91: Moving Day

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You didn't realize just how many things you'd accumulated in Bodhum until you had to situate everything in your room again. Mostly clothes, of course, but there were also the gifts you'd gotten for your birthday and a few extra trinkets you'd picked up. The good thing was that once you were assigned a room, you kept that room for all four years unless something happened or if you filled out an official request for a changing of rooms. That meant that the freshies would always get the seniors' old rooms or rooms that had been unoccupied.

Anyway, due to certain magic incidents that were being kept confidential (boo), there was a corner of the dorms whose rooms were ruined, so the occupants of those rooms had to be moved. Spencer-Lynn and Chiara had been two of the people in that area, and were moved to your hall, which was great because your hall was almost empty. Actually, since last year only seniors had been around (so it seemed) you were the only person left.

Having hall mates that you knew wasn't bad.

After straightening things in your room, you went to help Spencer-Lynn with her things, since she had to completely relocate. Her new room was diagonally across from yours.

"So, this is exciting," you said, carrying a box that read "scarves." A whole box of scarves? "Have you seen any freshies yet?"

"I have; Chiara seems to know one, a blonde. She said her name was Madelyn, if I remember correctly."*

"Oh, okay." You nodded. "Are you excited for school? I'm excited, kinda. You know that type of excitement you get from not knowing what's going to happen?"

"Aye, and I feel the same." Spencer-Lynn nodded. "It'll be really strange not going to Mrs. Estheim for first period though... I have her for last period now..."

"Yeah- and after having Laguna twice, not seeing him at all will take getting used to," you added with a nod.

"Oh, I have his music class. Is it difficult?"

"Do you play an instrument?" you asked her. When she nodded, you said, "You'll be fine."

"That's good. Was that the last box, that you have there?" she asked, pointing to it.

"Um... the last big one. There were, like, three that stacked and one medium one."

"Okay, I can get all those myself." Spencer-Lynn smiled at you. "Tell me how I can repay you."

"Repay me?" You smiled back, "No, no, I was just helping a friend in need. That isn't necessary."

"I insist; I won't feel right until I do." Spencer-Lynn tapped her chin daintily. "Did you finish setting up your room yet?"

"Yep," you nodded.

"Darn it. Well... hmm... okay, how about I do your homework for you? Any subject but history or science." She nodded, smiling.

"We could both get in a lot of trouble for that, Spencer-Lynn."

"Well-" She sputtered. "I... I don't know what else!"

"If you really insist, I guess you could make me a batch of those amazing cupcakes of yours," you said.

Spencer-Lynn perked up. "What flavor?"

"Chocolate, with coconut frosting. Is that good?"

"Yes! Yes, I'll get started as soon as I'm done setting everything up in my room!" She gave you a hug before retreating into said room.

~ * ~

It had been decided, before you'd even stepped off of the plane, that today you'd be having lunch with all your fellow senior girls to celebrate getting this far- and to celebrate your last summer before you were officially adults. So, you all got together at a nice Chinese place and ordered your food, feeling rather excited and scared about the new year all at the same time.

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