Part 4

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Aditya was totally engrossed in his work. He was busy in making presentations and annual reports for the forthcoming meeting with the Deputy Commissioner of Police. His desk had files and pendrive scattered. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. He said "Come in" loud enough for the visitor to hear. The door creaked open and came in a constable.

-"Sir, office hours are over already. But, ...." asked he.

-"I've still got a few things to handle. You may go. And also tell the driver that I'll call him when I'm done. Good night." said Aditya.

-"Yes sir. Good Night sir.'' saying this the constable went out after shutting the door.

It was 6.30pm when Aditya's phone rang up. He was too busy thinking about his work that didn't even look at the caller ID. He picked up and responded professionally,

-"Hello, it's Aditya Sen speaking."

-"Hello, I'm Dr. Aneek Chowdhury here."

After sharing a few seconds of complete silence, both of them burst out laughing. Aneek was Aditya's diaper friend. They're together since like forever; nursery classes. They had to split up when Aneek went to Delhi to pursue Medical school at AIIMS, and Aditya completed his graduation in Economics from Kolkata. But they again reunited when Aditya went to Delhi to do his MBA. Initially he wanted to join an MNC, but changed his mind later on. Aneek, at present, lives in Mumbai and is an oncologist at the TATA Cancer Research Institute overthere.

-"wooohhh! Etodin e somoy peli phone korar?", asked Aditya faking anger.
(Wooohh! Finally you got time to call me?)

-"Haha..It's nothing like that bro. I was a hell busy. Sorry yaar.", came Aneek's reply.

-"What's up?"

-"well..... I'm in your town now."

"Whaat?? When did you come and why the hell didn't you tell me?"

-"Guess what Aadi...I wanted to surprise you. But this asshole friend of mine didn't show up at his place yet. It's been a freaking hour man! Where are you?? Don't tell me you have got a girlfriend!", asked an annoyed Aneek.

-"Hold your breath dude! I'm on my way home. Let's talk face to face." said Aditya while arranging everything.

-"Not home.. Meet me at the CCD. Now! And it's gonna be your treat by the way."

-"Done. I'm coming." ,saying this Aditya slipped his mobile in his pockets.

It took Aditya 15 minutes to reach CCD. He went inside to see Aneek already waiting for him. They smiled at each other and then shared a manly hug. After ordering black coffee for each other, they started talking. Within a few minutes their orders were served. Aneek sipped and asked,

-"Haven't you got anyone yet?"

-"No... But ....." Aditya said smirking.

-"But what?! Spill out!! Fast!" exclaimed an over excited Aneek.

-"Well... There's this girl called Uma whom my parents have, sort of, chosen for me. But ......"


Aditya said Aneek everything, just avoiding the incident that in the college fest.

-"Do you like her?", asked Aneek.

-"Apparently yes! But it doesn't count if she doesn't.", came Aditya's sad reply.

-"Aadi !! You're behaving like a lovesick puppy!" joked Aneek.

-"It's nothing like that", said a serious Aditya.

-"Leave it! What about you?" asked Aditya.

-"Haven't got anyone after Isha?"

-"How's she? Are you guys in contact still?"

-"Somewhat yes. And she's good, in fact she's going to get engaged soon, with one of her colleagues."

-"Don't be sad Aneek."

-"I am not sad. It's just that, I cannot forget things. Memories are eating me up and I don't know why! Because it was our decision to break up. None of us ditched."

-"I know Aneek and I respect the decision. Try to get out of it. We both know that it was for your own good. You have to move on."

Aneek hummed silently. He was looking crestfallen. Aneek and Isha were in a relationship for more than three years. They were so much in love, and cared about each other. Things started changing when Isha had to move out of Delhi for higher studies. It's really tough to continue a long distance relationship. They had never suspected each other of having affairs, but they started having time issues.

Due to an extremely hectic schedule and the huge time difference between Chicago and Delhi. Things started going off the place, and they mutually decided to break up after struggling for more than 7 months. All of their friends were sad; they're such an ideal couple. But, they were adults..And we couldn't intervene in their decision.

Aditya's POV

Before I could say anything, Aneek's phone rang up. He picked it up and started off in his 'doctor' tone.

I was busy looking around the café, when my eyes fell on a girl in jeans and a shirt. She was looking beautiful. She had no makeup on, except for a lipstick.

-"Damn cute!", I thought to myself. I was busy staring at her, when Aneek gestured me an "Excuse me" and went out with his mobile fixed on his ear.

The girl seemed extremely familiar to me, but I couldn't recognise. It took me minutes of hard work (well, 2mins, to be precise) to get that she was the one from the picture aka the girl from the fest.

-"What was her name...... Uma! Yes Uma it is.", I was mumbling to myself.

She was talking and laughing with her friends. They were 4 together, 3 girls (including her) and a boy. The boy was really handsome, he was sitting beside her. I felt a tinge of jealousy in my heart when I saw him side hugging her.

All of a sudden, she picked up her bag from the table and took out her mobile and put it on her ear. She must've got a call. After a fraction of seconds, her expressions gradually started to change. Her eyes started filling with tears. Moreover, I saw something in her eyes. It wasn't sadness, pain or hurt; but a kind of..Kind of guilt, fear and panic. She hung up her phone and,

-"Sorry guys! I..I need to go.. ac..actually.. Maa has to go somewhere.. I'll get a rickshaw.. bye..See ya!"

Since I was sitting close to them, I could hear everything. Her, once, powerful voice wasn't more than a mere whisper now. I could bet that she was lying. But why?

Her friends nodded their as if understanding everything. She hurried out of the café. I felt a sudden urge to go and ask her about it, but I couldn't.

"I need to know." I said to myself.

" I said to myself

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