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lovelylacie89 : *hugs them all* *but mostly TOBY * so everyone, if you were stuck on an island with someone (including me) who would it be? *still hugging them all* *but mostly toby*


Masky: -waking up- wah? -gets up from the sand, sees a giant cheesecake and gasps instantly running towards it faster then the speed of light. It called his name over and over. He wakes up-

Toby: MASKY WAKE UP- oh good! Your awake!

Masky: -eyes widening- NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Hoodie: Masky! -is with Lacie (SHORTER NAME NAO :3) on an island across from them far away but close enough to hear each other-

Hoodie: Masky! We're separated! Let's meet at the mountain! -points at the mountain that connected the separate islands-

Masky: ok... -sad-

Toby: Hey! Don't be sad! At least you got me!

Masky: -eyes open wider then the widest eyes- TAKE ME WITH YOU!!! -starts trying to swim over to the island but as soon as he got over he gets teleported back- NOOOOOOO... T.T

Lovelylacie89: -teleports next to Toby magically and hugs him tightly- :3

Toby: Hi Lacie!

- all of them head towards the mountain-

Hoodie: -heat starts getting to him, starts to imagine slenderman's everywhere- (he would rather be stranded with slender since he's the only one that has never teased him and is kinda serious)

-they all make it-

Masky: FINALLY- ughhh... -flops down on mountain-

-huge rumble-

All: 0.0 RUN!!!

-all running down as the mountain explodes which is actually a volcano. It starts to explode many random things-

Toby: :U -jumps on a flying waffle cat, Lacie teleports to him again hugging him- TO NARNIA!!!


-at beach it ends-


-the waffle cat flies away, Lacie's still hugging Toby-

Lovelylacie89: Hey guys! Where are we?

Masky: lacie? Wait... If your her, THEN WHOS SHE?! -pointing at the fake Lacie who is hugging Toby-



-the fake huger in a flash is a squid, more squids teleport at the beach-

Toby: uhh...

Hoodie: RUN!!!

-Everyone but Toby starts running. Toby is not being let go-

Squid: :3

Toby: ... Would you be interested in a trade? -has a box of ego's waffles-

(Imagine if skydoesminecraft appears their XD if you don't know him he is a YouTuber and an AWESOME ONE!)

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