Remnants 05

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Seulgi was turning the key to open the door of their house. She carefully pushes it, trying not to make a sound, because she might awake her family up. It's already one in the morning. She's pretty sure they already fell asleep so she gently closed the door behind her.

Just as she makes a step forward, the lights in the living room suddenly turned on. And there was her wife, looking at her with straight face, sitting in the corner of the sofa with crossed legs.

"Where have you been?" Irene asked with calm voice.

"You surprised me." Seulgi whispered, holding her chest because it almost exploded by surprise. She exhaled sharply then making her way to her wife.

She feels heavy. Her heart feels heavy.

She lay down on the sofa, leaning her head to Irene's lap, facing straight to her wife's face.

Irene automatically put her hand to Seulgi's tummy, like it supposed to be there at all times. "Where have you been?" She asked while setting Seulgi's hairs out of her face. "Why are you late?"

Seulgi closes her eyes, absorbing the warm from Irene's body, memorizing Irene's movement to her hands, and smelling her wife's perfume. "Fan signing." She answered. As she opens her eyes, Irene was already smiling at her. She loves that look. Her wife's face looks peaceful. "They were a lot of people. It took us a lot of time to finish the event." She continued.

"How was it?" Irene was brushing her thumb to one of Seulgi's hand now.

"It was one of the best." Seulgi is wrapping her arms to Irene's body, pressing her face to wife's tummy. "But tiring," she mumbled, and Irene felt the vibration on her stomach from Seulgi's mouth.

"Are you tired?" Irene's voice was concerned.

"Exhausted." Seulgi muttered under her breath.

Irene giggled silently. "Wait, let me fix myself."

"Fix yourself?" Seulgi wondered out. Please don't be the thing she's thinking. She thought.

Irene didn't answer as she lie down on the sofa beside Seulgi. "This." She said.

Seulgi exhaled sharply. "I thought you are going to do something green. I am not prepared." She said sarcastically.

"You better clean up your mind. It's so dirty." Irene said sarcastically. They both laughed. Seulgi put her head on one of Irene's arm while embracing her wife with her long arms. Irene mirrored her action.

She put her face on the crook of Irene's neck., inhaling her wife's smell. "You smell nice." She whispered.

"I always smell nice. You just never noticed it."

"I just did."

"Shut up," Irene knocked her forehead lightly using her fist. The cap on Seulgi's head caught Irene's attention. She took it off of Seulgi. "You always wear them and it always helped you look chic."

"Does it?"

"Yeah," Irene throws the cap somewhere in the house. "But I love your face without anything on it. No makeup. No lipstick. Just you."

Seulgi chuckled. She pulled her wife closer to her. Then, silence followed. No one dares to speak again. They are embracing each other's body with a comfortable silence surrounded them.

"I love you. I'm going to miss you." Irene was the one who broke the silence first. She whispered to Seulgi's ears suddenly.

Seulgi immediately shot her head up to meet Irene's eyes. Irene was already crying when she looked at her. "Hey," Seulgi brushes off her tears. "Why are you crying? Why are you acting like this?" She asked. "You are always the tough one between us."

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