The girl with the broken vocal box 2

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I was talking to jake about what we are going to do after she done time out I really didn't want to put her in timeout in the fist place but she wouldn't stop fighting us so we had no choice eventually the timer went off and me and jake got up and went to the corner were we left her she was still facing the wall but she was sitting down he was dead quite have you learned your lesson she didn't respond and just rested her head on the wall I got angry and started shouting do you want another 30 minutes she shook her head yes I asked her to turn around but she shook her head no this was the last straw I grabbed her arm pulling her backwards uncovering a crimson liquid soaked floor she looked up clenching her neck I was so scared sad angry why would she do this her smile was so beautiful but it was broken like a smile with a layer of depression sirens could be heard her face changed to angry sadness she started kicking and punching me cracked chocks  I can only assume to be screams as blood dripped down her chin men came running in and injected her she blacked out and they put her on the bed doctors came running in with Machines connecting her to ivs and sewing up her neck
Time skip
She started waking up her eyes fluttered open and a look of sadness planted on her face she got up and walked to her room we had shown her earlier she opened the 7th draw getting out a black gel pen and paper note pad and started to write
As you can tell I can't speak now so ha can I please leave now it's not like you want a mute little do you
It doesn't matter what you are we will still love you stay her for one month if you still don't want to be here you can leave ok
Good now go hug jake he's been crying for hours because of your little stunt
Wow really fine then walk away
I got into the other room and one of the guys I now know as jake was rocking in the corner crying I went up behind him and hugged him he turned around and it was like he broke he cradled me in his arms and sat me in his lap repeatedly kissing the top of my head whispering little things like never do that again I promise I'll never put you in time out I'm sorry your grounded to my arms forever give me the weapon now he put his hand out and I gave him the blood soaked blade and he literally shattered it between his fingers like what the fuck he looked down at me and smiled and hugged me again his arms were so warm and comforting

I hoped you enjoyed

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