Chapter One

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When Louis was fourteen his mum sat him down and had a very serious discussion with him.

“Louis, there’s something I need to tell you.” she told him as she looked at him wistfully.

Her son was too young for all of this, she was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that Louis was going to get married to a girl he probably wouldn’t even love and start having babies like there was no tomorrow in just a few years (on seconds thought, considering the state the planet was in there could be no tomorrow but that was besides the point). While some people were lucky, most people didn’t even find romance with their matches and that hurt, she didn’t want Lou to feel like he was forced into doing anything, but unfortunately he was going to be.

Everyone was.

And maybe the government made out that despite all the pain, despite all those people who had died some generations ago everything could be wonderful and this was a chance to start the world anew, she knew it was far from that.

There wasn’t really anything wonderful about what her son would have to do, and she only prayed that somewhere within those ten girls, Louis would find his true love.

“What is it?” he’d asked curiously.

“You see, you have a big responsibility, Boo. It’s very important, actually. Think about all the people you know, think carefully. Isn’t there anything you notice about them? About everyone?” she asked him carefully.

Louis thought about it for a while, he really did.  She could tell he was trying hard because he wanted to please her.

“No, I don’t know.” Louis said.

“Lou, apart from your father, and one boy in this town,   and his father, you’re the only male in this town. Everyone else is female, aren’t they?” she explained.

Everyone was female. Louis’ best friend, Elli, was a girl, his sisters were all girls, almost everyone he knew was undeniably a girl.

“And?” he asked stupidly.

“And,” she’d started exasperatedly. “It means that everyone is relying on you, well not only you, but you play a big part in it all.”

“A big part in what?” he asked, confusion written all over his face.

“In rebuilding the population, silly! The world needs you to help us all survive.” she laughed, trying desperately to make light of the situation.


He never really knew quite how serious she was until now.


 “Louis Tomlinson?  It’s time to go in. My name is Paula; I’ll be guiding you during the month.  Your citizen number, please? I know it’s pointless because it can only be one of two possibilities, and it’s not like there are any males around to pretend to be you, but all the same, its protocol. I can’t believe we only got two males from your town this generation, usually there’s at least a few more.” she sighed.

I looked up from where I was waiting nervously to see a woman who looked extremely tired.

“It’s 01.” I said, chuckling slightly.

I was trying to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach, but there was no avoiding the truth that I was here to find a wife.

“Good, date of birth?” Paula asked.

“24th of December, 3011.” I replied swiftly.

“Come this way, then.” she said as I warily stood up to follow her.

Only Boy In The World (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now