Chapter 1

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I sigh as I walk up to the school. No more safely hiding in my house. I look at my arms, they were white and pasty from not being exposed to the sun. My parents were never home, so they had no idea I was Jonah Marais's main victim. It didn't matter, they are good friends with the Marais family, so even I told my parents, they wouldn't believe me, "your fishing for attention again" is what they would say.

I was walking down the hall, people knocking their shoulders into me as hard as they could. That's nothing compared to what Jonah does to me. I walked to the front of the school, where the flagpoles were to wait for Jonah, Daniel, and Jack. I push my glasses up and sit there with my book till it got slapped from my hands. "Let's go" I hear Jonah's familiar voice

"Come on!" Jack says when I reach for my book.

"Sorry" I say as I follow them behind the school, leaving my book on the ground.

After we get there, they all look at each other. "Ready?" Jonah says as I pit both of my hands up. Neither Jack nor Daniel said anything, just smirked and pined me against the wall. It started with Jonah punching me in my stomach, knocking the breath out of me. This wasn't bad. This was his normal I was used to it.

"Jonah, you can do better" Jack says in a cold tone.

"Hmm you're right" he says. I watch as he balls his fist and hits me right across the face. When he stops, both Jack and Daniel let go of me, making me fall to the ground. I curled up into a ball, expecting them to kick me until I taste blood. Bit they didn't "I think that's enough for now boys" Jonah says as he walks away with Jack and Daniel.

"Hannah!" I hear Zach say.

"Zach?" I say, looking in the direction of his voice

"You can't keep giving into this" he says, helping me to my feet. I stumble forward and Zach catches me.

"Well I can't do anything about it" I say

"Where are you glasses?" He says looking around

"What?" I say

"I found them" he says, handing them to me

"Thanks Zachy" I say giving him a weak smile. He just give me a scared look

"Hannah, your bleeding really bad" he says, reaching out to touch my face, but pulling back before he touches my face. I reach up and touch my face. When I pull back, my fingers are covered in blood

"No" I say quietly

"I'm taking you to the nurse" Zach says as he pulls me towards the nurses office.

"Fine" I say as he drags me. As we walk through the hall way, I see Jonah look over at me with a smirk. I see him mouth "later" and all the color drains from my face. What was he going to do to me now?

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