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Hey boyos I'm just gonna put this AU idea here-

So basically, BMC is the same until you get to the fire at the Halloween party-

Say hello to my angsty AU:

Rich makes it out of the fire alive, but Jake, Jenna, Brooke, and Chloe all die in the fire- (Brooke and Jake die while helping people out, and Jenna and Chloe die because they are too drunk to get out properly-)

Michael was still in the bathroom during the fire. The doorknob ends up partially melting, so he is stuck in the burning room for like 15 minutes until he manages to wrestle the window open. He escapes out the window, but breaks his right arm in the process, and is left with third degree burns over 41% of his body. He ends up in the hospital because of the burns and the smoke inhalation. He later finds out that Brooke ended up dying while trying to save him

Rich makes it out because Jake throws him out of the second story window before being crushed by a burning piece of the collapsing roof. Rich is left with second degree burns over 90% of his body, and actually loses his right arm due to it being shattered and burnt beyond repair. Rich is left with major guilt in the intensive care unit in the hospital-

Christine ends up hating Rich for starting the fire, because she never learns about the SQUIP. She completely avoids visiting Rich in the hospital. However, she regularly visits Michael in the hospital and tries to cheer him up. She feels guilty because she ended up leaving the party thirty minutes before the fire started

The play still goes on, with shitty understudies-

Michael manages to escape from the hospital with the Mountain Dew Red (cause that boyo is dedicated). During the fight with Squipped Jeremy, he manages to force the Mountain Dew Red into Jeremy's mouth, making him drink it. As the squip is dying, it is still in control of Jeremy, and it pushes Michael down a nearby flight of stairs-

Christine ends up seeing the aftermath of this- and runs off, enraged at Jeremy

Michael ends up snapping his neck during his fall down the stairs, leaving him dead-

Jeremy wakes up in the hospital, having no memory from his confrontation with Michael during the play. He loudly asks for Michael, which triggers Rich, who is in the same way, to start loudly crying.
Christine bursts in, sobbing, telling Jeremy that he murdered Michael and that he is a horrible person, before leaving forever. She never learns about the squip.

In the middle of the night, Rich sneaks out of the hospital room and goes up to the top of the building, where he flings himself off, killing himself from all of the guilt.

This leaves Jeremy in the final scene in a grave yard where everyone is buried. He sings this really depressing version of Voices in my Head
"All their voices in my head, why'd they have to end up dead?"

Finally, he kneels in front of Michael's grave and sobs: "And of the voices in my head, the loudest one is his-"

Uh I came up with this- and I shared it with my bois on Discord so uh I might write a full book for this soon-

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