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     Pha hated falling in love with Forth.

     Not because he hated Forth – no, it wasn’t anything like that at all.

     He hated falling in love with Forth for the simple fact that he had never been in love before, with anyone.

     But to say he had never loved would be wrong.

     He loved Studying – his passion to become a First class Surgeon. He loved learning about human anatomy, he loved doing his lab works. Human Biology was something he understood – he had been gifted with it his whole life and if push came to shove, there was school, academics, teachers to help him when he didn’t get it.

     His love and understand for Science was his comfort zone.

     His love for Forth was definitely out of his safety bubble.

     It wasn’t like he’d planned on falling in love with one of his Friends.  But it did happened.


     Pha yelped, his wide eyes blinked up at Forth, who was standing behind the couch. The crazy doctor gang and Engineering boys are spending their Friday night at their usual hang out place.

     “Yeah?” Pha blushed

     Forth tilted his head, “To your left. That hot chick at the bar counter is gazing at you for the past one hour”

     Then Forth turned to Lam and talked causally, no big deal, and Pha mentally kicked himself.

     Way to look all cool and stuff.

     He resigned his fate to the bar counter, where he sat down and fooled the girl, and himself, that he wasn’t harboring a crush on Forth Jathurapoom.

     Besides, he couldn’t focus on much when the girl was chatting his ears off.


     Pha hated falling in love with Forth.

     He hated it because he couldn’t figure out how, when, or why.

     Oh, he knew why all the girls loved Forth. He had alluring eyes, a sincere smile, and a toned body with simple fashion sense. He was low maintenance and a generally dedicated guy.

     He knew why all the guys loved him, too. Forth was a man’s man, into sports and fight and banter. He was masculine and definitely one of “the guys”.

     Which is why Pha hated falling in love with Forth.

     Pha got awkward easily in conversations. He was good at sports but not terribly competitive, nor did he care about winning. He could be a man’s man if he tried but he didn’t want to talk about sports and girls all the time. And he wasn’t good at banter, because he either actually insulted the person or said something way too ridiculous that no one understood.


     Pha yelped and walked into a closed door, a hand flying up to rub his forehead. Forth blinked a few times and before Pha could ask what he wanted, Forth reached up and flitted his fingers over the reddening spot, his pads cool against the surface as his brows knit together in mild concern.

     “Be careful,” Forth said lightly, smiling and patting Pha on the shoulder before limping away, cause of his leg injury from a recent fight with the geography guys.

     Pha blinked a few times to clear his vision, and then sighed as he resigned himself to his fate of dance practise for the Moon-Star competition. 

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