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The familiar ring of the bell chimed, indicating someone had stepped foot into the small coffee shop, 'strays'.

Minho glanced up from the cash register, only to immediately regret making eye contact with this particular customer. The tall man slowly made his way over, a wide grin on his face, and Minho was about to jump over the counter and punch the evil glint in his eye.

Seriously, it was only Tuesday. Why the universe decide that now, of all times, was the perfect moment to send in the human embodiment of those birthday candles which never went out. Positively aggravating.

"Oh my god, no way- he's back!" Minho heard his co worker and best friend Felix say softly behind him, "I need to get this on video, Jeongin will love it."

Minho would have turned around and drop kicked the hyperactive boy, demanding him to serve this certain man instead. However before he could, a rich voice spoke to him instead.

"Why hello there angel, how are you doing today?"

The barista mentally counted to 10, covering his murderous thoughts with a fake smile, "the usual?"

The mans smile only grew, "I was actually thinking of getting your number today? How much is it?"

Minho could hear his co-workers cackle like hyenas behind him, and he made a mental note to kill all of them before his shift was over. Maybe he could kill this man along with them, and make it look like a group outing gone wrong. Perhaps camping?

But instead, Minho punched in a few numbers on the machine (a little too forcefully) and grabbed a piece of note paper from beside him (a lot more angrily then he should have), "one double espresso then, can I get a name?"

"How about you just put me down as yours?" He replied, amusement heavily hanging from his words.

For 3 weeks, 3 weeks, the man had replied with the exact same thing.


A vein was surely about to pop right out of Minho's forehead if he didn't punch something (or someone), so he quickly scribbled down on a piece of paper and pass it along the counter (angrily).

Felix, who had been laughing and not so secretly filming the whole encounter, didn't even need to read the order. Having done the same thing for 3 weeks everyone on the team had it memorized.

The only thing that was different every time was the name Minho would give the flirtatious man.

Today he was 'squirrel looking headass' and Felix was absolutely loving every minute of this daily activity. Even if the homicidal glare he got from Minho was deeply terrifying.

2018 28 DEC'

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