Chapter 3

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Jerome's POV

"Mitch. Can I ask you something?"


"Are you still a virgin?"

"What the?-"

"You haven't answered."

"I am. For now. You?"

"Of course. As if any female could take control of this sexy body!" I struck a promiscuous pose and Mitch laughed. "Why'd you ask?"

"Eh. Just curious I guess. What, with you having to go on a holiday for a two year anniversary..." I winked, but silent relief poured out of me. Mitch accepted the excuse and jumped around the room, then stopped as a thought struck him. "Hey... can you go get changed into something... uhh... that shows your thighs... like shorts?"

"That sounds rather onimous and suggestive, and I will not be a stripper for you Mitch. My job is to be a YouTuber, not strip for people."

"Jerome..." Mitch continued warningly. I knew what he meant, but still tried to worm my way out. I shook my head. "Jerome. You promised." I kept shaking my head. "I will force you if I have to." I rolled my eyes and went to my room, then sat on my bed after getting changed.

The scars were ugly.

I was ugly.

The pain was ugly.

I didn't want Mitch to see.

Mitch saw anyway. A quick glance after I gave in and he smiled in relief. "Jerome, what's the matter?" I had been quietly feeling sorry for myself, and Mitch for having him worry like this. "Mitch... I-... I... I can't do this..."

"Do what?"

"Keep having my scars on showcase monthly."

"It's for your own good." I shook my head, tears forming. "I can't. I can't do this!" I wept, the tears now flowing down my face. "I can't Mitch! I don't deserve this!" I leapt off the bed and Mitch looked at me in surprise. "I can't keep feeling like the victim! I did this all to myself and you shouldn't be caring for me!" I sobbed. Mitch came up behind me and gently pushed my hands down from my face. "Jerome, I care. I care. I wouldn't, couldn't live with myself if I could have stopped you getting hurt." Mitch hugged me from behind and my body tensed, shaking. "Look. I- I have to confess something." I whispered. Mitch came and faced me. "What?"

"I- haven't entirely stopped cutting." I wrung my head in shame. "I know. You think I don't see when my Bacca has had issues? It's just... I'm letting it slide because I know it's hard to stop sometimes." I looked to him, incredulous. "You mean it?" He nodded. My legs flopped all of a sudden and gave way. Mitch caught me and pulled me back up. "Look. I do want you to stop. Just... next time you wanna cut, please alert me. Then at least I get the chance to stop you." I nodded along, but I was breaking. Mitch probably thought I was a weakling, in spirit and physically.

(Time skip)

I stepped into the shower and leaned against the wall, the warm water splashing down on my head. "Maybe..." I sighed, and started rubbing water onto my face, trying to relax my sore eyes. The most I accomplished was wiping off the tear stains, but my eyes did feel a little better. Until I started washing the scars. Then I started panicking. Why would Mitch accept it? Would they be the reason Mitch didn't love me? I took a deep breath and calmed my self down. Mitch is straight. It has nothing to do with you. I tried to tell myself.

When I stepped out and dressed, I went to find sitting on my bed, patiently waiting. He leapt up when he saw me and enveloped me in a hug, and I returned it in confusion. Mitch then left, and I went to get lunch.

Later on in the day, Mitch came back while I was lying on my bed. "You feeling better Jerome?"

"Uh. Yeah."

"That's good dood."

"Uh. Ok." I pulled out of his grasp. "Why? Why me?" The question I was asking myself. I had asked myself that for a long time, but now, I could finally know the answer.

Mitch looked perplexed so I powered on. "You could have picked any friend, and you pick me. Anyone. They wouldn't even have the emotional stuff I do." Mitch looked thoughtful, then smiled. "Yeah, but then who would be my Bac?" I smiled, but the tears were still fresh on my face. Mitch smiled and hugged me again then pulled out. "It could have only ever been you." I laughed and looked into Mitch's eyes, feeling renewed by the sincerity in his gaze.

I noticed our heads were about ten inches apart. Just ten inches... until out of nowhere, Mitch cleared the gap and crashed his lips to mine.

Thank you all for 100 reads! :D


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