The start of it all...

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"You will not." He yelled his hand slamming down on his throne, his eyes glowing in rage.

"But father please." My voice chocking as I tried to keep my tears at bay. He was always like this so angry, never listening.

"My word is the law Katherine and when I say no then you will obey and listen. As you father and as the king my decision is final!"

I looked toward my brother Henry who stood near by his head dropped and this time I didn't argue against my father I just ran.

Tears welled in my eyes as I stood against the wall, tilting my head back to prevent the tears from falling down. He can't know I'm crying, not again, not because of him.

My father could be a horrid man with expectations that not everyone can fulfil, being king has hardened him, every since my grandfather has passed and he lost his guidance he turned into a man I did not recognize. I see now why mother kept her distance when he was on his throne.

I had one dream to travel and explore the lands that were past the kingdom my father ruled, to be able to walk freely among the people and learn of the different cultures. But my father did not agree he never did. We had this argument over and over of me asking to be free, but I cannot I am the kings only daughter I was forced to play the part of being a good daughter until a suitor, my father approved married me. One kingdom to the next, from my father's watchful eye to my husbands.


Trapped forever.

"You know your father sweet heart" I looked up at the voice that interpreted my thoughts.


I smiled weakly at her and wiped away my tears, pushing myself off the wall and walking toward her.

"I just want to explore mother, I want to be able to experience life to the fullest not as a kept wife that father wants to be."

She reached for my cheek and wiped my tear. I had not realized they had started to fall.

"I know my darling, I know you had wanted to do this since you could walk always running away from the place." She reached and held my hand, guided me to the swing for us to sit. "Your father thinks he's doing what is best for you"

I opened my mouth to protest but she stopped me. "Which doesn't mean he's right. You cannot run my dear and I know you had hoped your father would have passed the throne to your brother rather then take it but your grandfather had gotten ill sooner then we hoped."

I saw the sadness in her eyes, as she looked down and gripped my hand a little tighter.

Father was not meant for the throne and everyone knew it, the pressure of it was to much for him but taking it over has changed him and no one can deny that.

"He will only allow me to marry a king mother. I do not want to be in a marriage to a man-" I cut myself off realizing I was about to insult my mother's marriage.

"That no longer loves you." She completed my sentence and I felt my heart pull. "The power had consumed him and he does not know the difference of being a good ruler and a forceful one."

At one point in time my parents had the love story that made me believe in love. My father had saw my mother at an ball and chased her till she agreed to marry him. The fact that my father was a romantic at one point still shocks me. As now he is a heartless man consumed with the need to succeed.

My grandfather was never this way, he had a kind a gentle soul who ruled with a heart of gold. But my father, no one knew why or what happened but the throne changed him in the worst way possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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