Drunk On You (Camren)

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Camila grinned at the sight in front of her. “Hello there, gorgeous,” She winks, her legs were unsteady due to her drunken state.

And to her surprise, the girl winked back! That little flirt. (God, of course she did. She was talking to the elevator mirror, for Christ's sake.)

The Cuban’s droopy smile widened. “Aren't you a cutie?” She compliments, her voice slurring. Camila paused. She was mortified, embarrassed, and drunk on beer.

Her alcohol tolerance wasn't the best — neither was Dinah and Ally's. Camila was able slip off the bar as Dinah threw a bottle on one of the bartenders. Ally was there, and she said she should look after Dinah in case she gets drunk.

But she didn't say that she would, so Ally just ends up making out a spoon.

“I'm pretty—” Camila stops for a moment, emphasizing on the word. “—sure, that no one should leave you alone at this time.”

The brunette grins, feeling pleased with her smooth moves.

“Anyways,” She turns back to her reflection, fluttering her eyelashes. “Do you want some beer?”

Attempting to pull off a ‘cool girl’ look, she leans on the elevator door, admiring her reflection on the mirror. She thinks that the girl in front of her was impressed, until the elevator doors open. She stumbles out, barely managing to stabilize her feet. Humiliated, she enters back the elevator and stood there quietly until the old woman who had just entered finally got off to her floor.

Camila turns back to the mirror and smiles. “We got interrupted there for a second,” She says, brushing her fingers through her hair. She knows she's made progress, because the girl in the mirror does the exact same thing.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened again. Exiting the elevator, she turned back to the mirror and held up a telephone sign on her hand. “Call me,” She winked.

Her reflection winked back, and Camila congratulates herself for being so smooth throughout the elevator ride. She had a lot to tell Ally tomorrow.

She stumbles to her apartment door, because at this point of her drunkenness, she wasn't exactly sane anymore. She flirted with her reflection — on purpose, too!

When she arrives at her door, she tries to twist the knob at least three times, but it doesn't work. Tilting her head in confusion, she inspects the doorknob, because why the hell would something — let alone a doorknob — despise her? She was amazing!

Maybe she did something to hurt the doorknob.

“Awe,” She cooed, caressing the knob. “Don't be like that, let me in,” She pouted. The brunette twists the knob again, but no, it really hates her.

Camila doesn't know what she did wrong, but it must have been really bad.

After then she decides, she needs to call Jade. Camila scrolls through her contacts, looking for Jade’s contact, but she can't seem to find her name. But what she did find was a contact named ‘Poopey’.

Camila couldn't believe her eyes because she's friends with Poop? Oh my god, the other girls really needed to see this!

Out of curiosity, she taps on the dial button, excited. After a few beeps, the poop finally answers. “What?

Camila swears she's not delusional, she heard Jade! “Oh my god, Jade?” She blinks in shock.

Oh god, you're not drunk as well, are you? I swear— Dinah, no, don't touch that.” Jade's turd, and Ally knows it?! Wow, what a day. “Leigh-Anne, please get Ally— oh my god, Dinah what the fuck is that? Good god, is that a milk crate!?"

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