Chapter 1: Stupid Rich Boys

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Most people think love is easy and sometimes they're unlucky and it is. Love shouldn't ever be easy because if it's easy we would take advantage of it. But it shouldn't be this hard either. I Eleanor Reyes am tired of this feeling in my chest. A feeling of an annoying thud my chest makes when it knows he has entered the room or how my stomach turns when I see him with other women. Why could I not have liked a man in my lane, a man who wasn't Daniel? A man who fit my social circle, one who I could go out on a simple date with. Or better yet someone who would consider dating me.

Of course I had to fall in love with a man who never looked at me more then a maid or a man who has probably never even really acknowledged me except to asked for water or wine . I slowly slapped myself mentally trying to remember I can't and will not dwell on him at least while I'm on the clock. I began to make my way down the service stairs that led to the kitchen where I found Jessie and Lori both new girls who I've gotten along quite well with.

"Hey Jessie Madam Rita said your on group b meaning your on rooftop service and Lori your with me" I say explains what our boss wanted from us tonight as we worked the most exclusive party New York had to offer. All courtesy of Daniel And Christian who were throwing a lavish bachelorette party for one of their good friends.

"Ugh I just hope none of his friends touch me inappropriately" Jessie says upset from the last wild party where a few of his drunk friends tried to kiss her and lift her skirt up.

"Hey if it gets out of hand I can trade with you ok and I'm sure you can change into black pants and white button up like the servers" I say trying to reassure her knowing well it wasn't a pleasant mood. And although I wasn't anyone important madam Rita had a soft spot for me and held lots of trust in me too keep everything in line.

"So what are we doing ?" Lori asked as she looked at the food coming in and out of the kitchen.

" we're upfront so that means we'll be downstairs with the guards taking people jackets and helping the dancers and bands come up though the services entrance with ease.

"Ok sounds good" nodding at Lori we both made our way down the hall walking out of the Penthouse and into the hall leading downstairs. Pressing the elevator door we were left in shock to see Master Cristian and Master Daniel with their friend Zander

Moving aside I look at Lori to do so but she was just in shock .

"Lori come here." I say seriously "Let Master Christian and Master Daniel enter" I say annoyed. Doing so she came my way letting them pass. Looking up I lock eyes with him and try to stay serious before entering the elevator. My heart pounded rushing in a crazy rhythm. God if his eyes could undo me anymore then they've done I'd be puddy.  Shaking myself away into reality and trying to make sure the blood rushing to my cheeks was un viewable I look down trying to hide until I felt heat coming from behind my back. I was about to tell Lori to back away a bit due to me being claustrophobic in elevators. That was till I look up and see her looking above me. Turning around I bump into someone feeling myself blush redder for my mistakes.

"Hey sorry to scare you" Zander says with a smile holding on to my shoulder. "I came to make sure you were ok" he says looking at me and not Lori. Great I mumbled, no doubt I made a total fool of myself last week and he though I couldn't take care of myself.

"We're ok really there's no need to worry Sir" I say with confidence deciding I was over blushing and being a total mess.

"Yes but it's not everyday you see two beautiful women as yourselves in the city,we must make sure your safe and well taken care of " he says in a charming way that if I couldn't read though his act I would of found it as charming as Lori. Truth is him thinking I couldn't take care of myself was a big no and more with the idea just because I was pretty I was an easy prey.

"We can Handle ourselves" I tell him now with a serious look, he looks at me as if Waiting for me to call him Master Zander but I don't . All my training has gone down the toilet as I glare at him getting bad vibes. At least annoying vibes, nonetheless I wasn't impressed with him treating me like I was in damsel in distress.

During our training we were taught to always call Daniel and Christian Rose Master and his friends as well. As for his parents who came to visit every other blue moon they were to be called Mr. and Mrs. Rose. It had become second nature to call them that way, was it humiliating? No, but calling them that when they're being pricks was annoying as hell.

The bell finally rang after what was forever no doubt it was as we started off in the last floor and were now on the first. Looking up at him I smiled before getting off not in the mood to be interrupted anymore.

"Take care or yourself PrimRose" I hear Zander say as I turn around I see him smile in a way that should come off charming but instead came off frightening no one knew my name was Prim well at least my middle name.

A little shock and still frighten I make my way in search of Lori though all the people running around trying to make this party run smoothly. She was sitting along side Andy a music producer/ a good friend of both Christian and Daniel. He was obviously flirting with her as all their friends seem to flirt with all the maids as they always made sure to hire the prettiest girls. Surprisingly they never flirted with me which is quite fine, it did hurt my self esteem quite a bit but I remember I wasn't ashamed of my looks and I was Aware I was pretty even if these stupid rich boys didn't think so. I would know better then anyone how they acted , I was raised with them after all.

My mother use to work for their parents before she had me and Mrs. Rose took pity on my mother when she was pregnant. She allowed me to be raised in the workers home and every year gave me a gift.I was three years younger then Daniel and five from Christian, and although we grew up close by not much contact was made. They often stared at me as I'd go into their library always reading books after school or hide behind bushes as I walk into the gardens as if trying to scare me away with their hush talks. Or maybe they didn't want to be seen by me either way the only times they'd talk to me was to offer me a ride to school or wish me a happy birthday. Soon after we grew up I moved out to the city after high school and so did they to take care of their fathers business out here in the city. After a while of going from modeling auditions I hit rock bottom and wasn't making ends meet so I called my mom asking her if the Roses had any friends in need of a maid and so Madam Rita remembered me as a child and took me under her wings. I remember seeing Daniel for the first time in a year and my feelings for him came flooding back. What it would of been to actually make it as a model and actually have a chance with him and not just be the daughter of a maid or more like just be his maid. To be his.

Shaking myself into reality for the third time today I walk to Lori to remind her we need to head to the back to send the bands and severs into the right stairs and elevators. After an hour me and Lori were on the phone making sure all the important people had entered to Daniels personal Parking lot and weren't going into the other parking lot for the residents down below.

"Eleanor" looking up my breath stops as I stare at the most beautiful dreamy eyes ever to be seen.

"Why don't you come up to the party?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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