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"Dizzy's all it makes us..."

Chanelle Rory


I mentally cursed at my manager as I squirmed in my seat. Everyone's eyes shifted to me as I kept groaning. Being at the meeting room was the last thing I wanted to do at the moment. Forget about being famous for my talent, I had to get out of this.

"So you mean to say that you came here not knowing that you were going to be our opening act?" The curly-haired one asked, smirking.

Groaning, I nodded my head again. However, I realised that my groaning and head shaking was not going to help me any further. I glared at my manager and motioned for her to explain.

"Well, you see... We knew that Chanelle here would prefer it as a surprise!" I sunk deeper into my seat upon hearing Ashley's excuse.

The five boys raised an eyebrow at me, clearly not buying the story. How is this my fault? If Ashley had told me this earlier, I would have co-operated with her and not be in this frantic state. Yet, a part of me knew that I would have probably sneaked into her office to cancel the contract.

"Firstly, it's Nellie - Not Chanelle. Secondly, Ashley didn't want to tell me because I would have backed out if I knew it was... You." I narrowed my eyes at the five boys who were clearly amused by the whole situation.

"We could always get another opening act." Jet black hair dude retorted. Zayn, I think.

I rolled my eyes while everyone else just narrowed their eyes at him. I bet that he thought that it was just some kind of joke to him.

"Why would you back out? Not to brag but we have a lot of fans and it might get you a lot of instant attention." Arrow Arm added, probably the one named Liam.

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time today, groaning in annoyance. I remember coming for a meeting, not an interrogation session. Yet, this would not have happened if Ashley had told me the important details.

"That's the point! Artists usually become opening acts to gain attention, and I'm opening for One Direction. That's too much attention, if you ask me. The probability of everything is either I get very popular or seriously infamous." I explained.

The boys nodded and 'oh-ed' in reply as if the situation was that easy. Curly and Louis, I think, even started cracking up at my logic. I cocked my head to the back, meeting Ashley's eyes. The least she could do was to not partner me up with a bunch of idiots.

"Love, your voice is amazing. You wouldn't be our opening act if it wasn't. You'd get instant success on our first concert." Louis chirped.

So that was how I ended up touring with One Direction and also how I was currently stuck on a tour bus with five idiots. Ashley claimed that it was better for me to ride on their tour bus because I could bond with them better. I guess I could call 'sitting on a sofa with my earphones plugged in and trying to concentrate on my movie without getting smashed by anyone' as bonding.

Niall was on the floor, scrolling through his twitter feed. Liam and Louis were juggling a soccer ball (one of the last ones that Paul did not throw out the window) and Harry was trying to do Yoga. Zayn? I had not spoke to him since the day I was officially signed into the tour, Zayn avoided me like the Black plague. Maybe he just did not liked me, I could not care any less.

Niall groaned a long string of curses when the soccer ball hit him, sending his phone flying to a corner. Not bothering to pick it up, Niall sat beside me, huffing and flicking the finger at the two soccer idiots.

"This happens all the time..." Niall spoke after a few minutes of silence.

I nodded at him, not bothering much since my movie was still going on and I was not in a mood for socialising. Unfortunately for me, Niall did not take the hint and continued to talk.

"Zayn always sleeps in the tour bus, not bothering to interact with any of us. Then there's Harry who tries to keep himself busy and me who's just trying to mind my own business. Meanwhile, Liam and Louis are always trying to break stuff or find trouble." Niall complained as the two soccer idiots snuck into the bunks with their ball.

"Zayn's going to kill them." I muttered, eyeing them.

"Correction: Zayn's going to chop them into pieces, grill them and feed them to the Sharks." Harry joined in, sitting beside me.

What was with them and sitting and starting conversations with me? Somehow, Niall found Harry's statement amusing and started cracking up loudly. I do not want to know what is going on in his head, he finds almost everything amusing to him.

"Who's Zayn going to chop? If it's Harry and Niall, I'd volunteer to help." Liam stated, tossing Niall's phone back to him.

Niall cracked up loudly again. I fought back the temptation to roll my eyes at them for what seems like my hundredth time. Muttering a silent prayer, I sighed in hope that I would survive the next few months of tour without murdering anyone on board.

All this is starting to really hurt my brain cells.


I'm bored so I decided to publish this. The rest of the book shall be published when Night Changes and Girl Almighty is completely.

Vanessa Hudgens is the face of Nellie :))

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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