chapter one

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Riley Grace POV:

"So I need you guys to complete questions 3-15 from page 63 in your workbooks for homework, due next lesson!" Explained my math teacher Mrs Hudson. There was a chorus of sighs and slurs coming from the students around me while we all packed up to go home. No one likes Mrs Hudson and I think she knows it too, thats why she always gives homework on a weekend. 


I quickly packed my things into my bag and made my way out of the classroom into the hallway. As my stomach grumbled it reminded me it is currently lunch, i always dread lunch time. I sped walked to my locker, put away my books, grabbed my remaining few dollars i had to spare and made my way down to the cafeteria. You see I don't have many, well, any friends. And thats not because I haven't tried but people don't seem to want to be friends with people who live in a housing unit. My family and I have defiantly been struggling to get by for pretty much my whole life, scraping up the last little bit of money to feed ourselves and pay bills, but when my mother passed 3 years ago, everything changed. Suddenly there were no homemade meals, dad slowly but surely started to drink and take drugs and my brothers were changing and not for the better. But more about my family later.

I stopped day dreaming and walked into the cafeteria, I made my way over to the vending machine and inserted my 3 dollar bills, looking around at the choices of snacks that it offered i decided to go with my favourite, Reeces Peanut Cups, i absolutely love these delicious chocolates but the only time i can get them is at school. Luckily for me they are just enough to fill me, seeing as i don't get to eat any food at home until father and brother have had enough to eat, which is usually most of the food. 

I walked out of the cafeteria and made my usual route to go to the bleachers, no one sits out here unless they are smoking to hide from the teachers, but they pay no attention to me. Today though there is no one in sight, I made my way to the back corner and carefully sat down, slowly opening the chocolates, the amazing smell hitting my senses immediately. I take out my book i'm currently reading, Pride and Prejudice, and start taking my time to eat my reeces pieces. Opening my book to the carefully placed book mark i start to read the book ive read many times before. 

25 minutes later the bell for the end of lunch is ringing, letting the students know it's time to go to the last period of the day. Luckily for me its Art, my favourite subject, theres not many people in the class which i love and the teacher, Mr Poe, seems to really enjoy my work. I pack away my book and make sure to chuck my wrapper into the bin. Due to my anxiety I made my way back into the school from the side door, avoiding anyone from the cafeteria and walk towards the Art rooms. Once i reach the room, Mr Poe is already in there with a few students waiting for the second bell, i make my way to the back of the class and place my bag down next to the desk. Sitting down i start to wait for the rest of the students, speaking of which, in comes the famous Parker Bentley, the notorious bad boy known for his pranks and scary demeanour. To be quite frank, i've never understood why he would take this class, I mean, him and his 'posey' look like they would be the people to make fun of artistic people, but then again i've never seen any of his work. He sits away from everyone and only lets Mr Poe see his artworks, which i can't judge, i do the same, that's whats the best about Mr Poe, he understands that some students aren't as open as everyone unlike most of the teachers at this school. 

Once the final bell rings, Mr Poe stands from his desk. "Well everyone, as you all should know by know, the big art showcase is coming up soon, 2 months to be exact! I have had the pleasure of seeing all of you progress this year and i'm hoping that this last task will be the best yet. Each of you are going to be given a name, randomly picked from my hat, for the first part of this assignment i would like you to draw, paint, whatever, i would like you to do your best representation of that person, but no talking to them, wether you know them well or not, you have to do this artwork from an outsiders perspective, then the other part of this assignment is to get to know your partner, and do an artwork with a new light, with all of the new things you have learned from the time spent with them. The partners are final, no asking to change and you have 4 weeks until part A is due!" With that Mr Poe leant on his desk, picking up his hat and shaking around the papers inside. 

I start to breathe heavily, hands become shakey and my leg boncing up and down out of fear. I'm not that good with talking to random people, i have a hard time trusting them, it's not my fault though, i've been told by my dad for years now I'm worthless and no one actually wants to be my friend. When i moved here 2 years ago, i just ignored everyone, not bothering to make an effort because it's true, no one wants to be my friend, im a weird, shy freak. I'm just hoping my partner is good a talking. 

"Ashley and" Mr Poe started, picking out her parnters name he called "Ben"

"Julian and ... Gabby" 

"Riley and" My breath hitched, i sucked in awaiting my faith " Riley and Parker" Immeditatly i looked over to Parker, my sea blue eyes meeting his icy blue ones and my head whipping back around to face Mr Poe. Crap, crap, crap, what am i going to do now..



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HEY! thank you for reading and making it this far!! i really hope you enjoyed the first chapter, i know it's not much and is really short but i promise more is to come!! Leave comments on what you would like to see with their relationship progress and anything else. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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