clarity / cm punk

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I wasn't allowed to compete for two weeks, and It felt like my freedom has been taken away. I felt so out of place, not training or practicing any wrestling or exercises. "How's sleeping beauty doing?" Seth brought coffee.

"Oh! How I love you." I told the coffee as it was handed to me. "Me? Or the coffee?" He joked. "The coffee Colby." I laughed. "No, seriously thank you- you and the guys for watching over me these past few days."

I looked over at Dean who had fallen asleep on the couch during his "shift." "Though, I do think that it's a bit excessive-"

"It was not, it was and is, completely necessary." He argued knowing exactly what I was referring to.

"Taking turns, On taking care of me? I don't need a babysitter." He let out a low chuckle. "We know you don't, you're just stubborn."

"How was dean?" He asked sitting back in his chair. I gave him a confused look. "I mean, did he take care of you?"

"Oh- yeah, he's been very sweet towards me." Events from last night played through my head. Dean from last night, made me feel safe, cared for. He was.. something else.

"Really?" Seth asked a bit shocked. "Yes, he did everything you and Roman instructed him to." I joked. "Instructed him to?" Colby let out a laugh. "I get I'm a little bossy but I never-"

"You guys gave him a list?" i interrupted him. "Yeah I remember because I made fun of him for it. He reminded me of my medication every 4 hours, and you know changed my ice pack for me when needed- oh! He also brought this cream to help with the...pain.." I stopped myself. "seriously you didn't?" I asked in disbelief.

"Must of been Roman, cause I for sure never gave him a list." My thoughts were interrupted by Deans groans. "Morning sleepy head." Seth walked over to him and handed him his coffee.

"Ah thanks brotha." I couldn't help but have my eyes on Dean. Did he remember last night the way I did?

"Have you taken your medication doll?" He got up from the couch and stretched his arms out. "Aj?" Seth bumped my arm a little.

"Mm? Yeah, my medication, took it before you got here."

A few moments later Roman and Paige showed up with some movies and popcorn, since we had nothing else planned. In the middle of a movie I received a text from Punk.

"Meet me in the lobby."

I thought about it, would seeing him make me feel any better? No, but I'm still going to do it.

"I'll be right back guys, im going to buy something from downstairs." I lied as I got up from bed.

"Let me go for you." Seth and Dean said in unison. "It's okay, walking will do me some good guys." I grabbed my bag, and left before they said another word.

I met Phil downstairs, and my heart dropped. Just looking at him made me realize I still had feelings for him. I took a few deep breaths before approaching Phil.

"Aj, I'm glad yo-" I cut him off rather quickly. "What do you want?" I asked as I crossed my arms and looked up towards him. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, I heard about your injury-" I stopped listening.

Did he think I was stupid? That I was gullible? He was clearly here to apologize, because he felt guilty, and he just couldn't live with guilt. "Aj?"

"Why are you really here?" My voice cracked as I asked. There was so much I wanted to say, to yell at him, but I just couldn't. "This about your little girl friend?" So much hurt, but I couldn't help but be petty.

"It was just one time-" he stopped himself. "I get I haven't been there for you as I should, but Aj, we're not together.." I could feel my heart break all over again, he was right.

"You're right, we're not together. You don't have to talk to me all the time, don't have to hang out or care about me, I get it. " I grabbed my bag and headed towards the elevator. "April, that's not what I meant. You know I care about you just-"

"She's more important." I turned around. "shes, your girl now." He looked down at the ground. "You could've just told me."

"It just seemed a lot easier.." he mumbled. "Easier than hurting you."

"To shut me out? I guess, for you. It just would've been a lot more clearer I guess."

"It was clear for me."

I fought the tears. "Not to me, you made me believe that we were great, that you had feelings for me and then all of sudden you shut me out? That's nowhere near clear Phil."

I headed back to the hotel room and tried my best to keep myself together.

"Where did you go?" Paige asked. "Just down to the lobby, in the café area." I tried my best to hide my face, knowing it was all puffy.

"Everything alright?" Seth asked as he noticed my face. "Yeah." I lied. All I wanted was to be alone, and cry in peace. I just didn't have the heart to tell the guys to leave.


She wanted to cry, I could tell. She was shaking, her eyes were red and watery. "I think we should go." I said keeping my eyes on her. "You look like you just need some space."

"I'll stay with her." Paige whispered to me. Though I wish it was me staying with her.

I convinced the guys to leave but before I walked out Aj stopped me for a second, and hugged me. "Thank you." I could feel by her breathing she was crying. "I'm here if you need me April." I kissed the top of her head and embraced her a little longer. "We're all here for you."

She pulled away and thanked me again. I said goodbye to both girls and met the guys down at the lobby. "Did she say anything?" Roman asked concerned. "No? I just forgot my phone that's all." I lied. I didn't want them to know I had a soft spot for her.

"Idiot." Seth mumbled. "Hey, I did her a favor alright? She really looked like she just needed some alone time." I argued. "I meant myself." He whispered.

Roman noticed the tension and cleared his throat. "Are we going to ignore what's going on?" Roman looked at both of us.

Seth confused, shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing is going on." On the other hand, I knew exactly what he was referring to.

We both cared for Aj, more than what we're supposed to.

We each made our way to our hotel rooms and called it a day. At least I did. It was still pretty early but I was up mostly all night looking after Aj. I couldn't help but think about her, and what had happened last night.

First Love ; Dean Ambrose x AJ LeeWhere stories live. Discover now